DataMorph v0.1.0 DataMorph View Source

Create Elixir structs, maps with atom keys, and keyword lists from CSV/TSV data.

Note, we should never convert user input to atoms. This is because atoms are not garbage collected. Once an atom is created, it is never reclaimed.

Generating atoms from user input would mean the user can inject enough different names to exhaust our system memory, or we reach the Erlang VM limit for the maximum number of atoms which will bring our system down regardless.


Define a struct and return stream of structs created from a tsv string, a namespace atom and name string.

iex> "name\tiso\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> DataMorph.structs_from_tsv(OpenRegister, "country") \
...> |> Enum.to_list
  %OpenRegister.Country{iso: "nz", name: "New Zealand"},
  %OpenRegister.Country{iso: "gb", name: "United Kingdom"}

Return stream of maps with atom keys created from a tsv stream.

iex> "name\tiso-code\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> String.split("\n") \
...> |> &1) \
...> |> DataMorph.maps_from_tsv() \
...> |> Enum.to_list
  %{iso_code: "nz", name: "New Zealand"},
  %{iso_code: "gb", name: "United Kingdom"}

Return stream of keyword lists created from a tsv string.

iex> "name\tiso-code\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> DataMorph.keyword_lists_from_tsv() \
...> |> Enum.to_list
  [name: "New Zealand", "iso-code": "nz"],
  [name: "United Kingdom", "iso-code": "gb"]

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Takes stream and applies filter regexp when not nil, and takes count when not nil.

Returns stream of keyword_lists created from csv string or stream.

Returns stream of keyword_lists created from tsv string or stream.

Returns stream of maps with atom keys created from csv string or stream.

Returns stream of maps with atom keys created from tsv string or stream.

Encode stream of to TSV and write to standard out.

Concat headers to stream, encode to TSV and write to standard out.

Defines a struct and returns stream of structs created from csv string or stream, and a namespace and name.

Defines a struct and returns stream of structs created from tsv string or stream, and a namespace and name.

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filter_and_take(stream, regex, count \\ nil)

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Takes stream and applies filter regexp when not nil, and takes count when not nil.


  • stream: stream of string lines
  • regex: nil or regexp to match lines via Stream.filter/2 and String.match?/2
  • count: optional take count to apply via Stream.take/2
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keyword_lists_from_csv(csv, options \\ [separator: ","])

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Returns stream of keyword_lists created from csv string or stream.

Useful when you want to retain the field order of the original stream.


  • csv: CSV stream or string
  • options: optionally pass in separator, e.g. separator: ";"
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Returns stream of keyword_lists created from tsv string or stream.

Useful when you want to retain the field order of the original stream.


Return stream of keyword lists created from a tsv string.

iex> "name\tiso-code\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> DataMorph.keyword_lists_from_tsv() \
...> |> Enum.to_list
  [name: "New Zealand", "iso-code": "nz"],
  [name: "United Kingdom", "iso-code": "gb"]
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maps_from_csv(csv, options \\ [separator: ","])

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Returns stream of maps with atom keys created from csv string or stream.


  • csv: CSV stream or string
  • options: optionally pass in separator, e.g. separator: ";"

Returns stream of maps with atom keys created from tsv string or stream.


Return stream of maps with atom keys created from a tsv stream.

iex> "name\tiso-code\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> String.split("\n") \
...> |> &1) \
...> |> DataMorph.maps_from_tsv() \
...> |> Enum.to_list
  %{iso_code: "nz", name: "New Zealand"},
  %{iso_code: "gb", name: "United Kingdom"}


  • tsv: TSV stream or string

Encode stream of to TSV and write to standard out.


Write to standard out stream of string lists as TSV lines.

iex> "name\tiso\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> String.split("\n") \
...> |> DataMorph.structs_from_tsv("open-register", :iso_country) \
...> |> [&1.iso, &]) \
...> DataMorph.puts_tsv
nz\tNew Zealand
gb\tUnited Kingdom
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puts_tsv(stream, headers)

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Concat headers to stream, encode to TSV and write to standard out.


Write to standard out stream of string lists as TSV lines with headers.

iex> "name\tiso\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> String.split("\n") \
...> |> DataMorph.structs_from_tsv("open-register", :iso_country) \
...> |> [&1.iso, &]) \
...> DataMorph.puts_tsv("iso-code","name")
nz\tNew Zealand
gb\tUnited Kingdom
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structs_from_csv(csv, namespace, name, options \\ [separator: ","])

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Defines a struct and returns stream of structs created from csv string or stream, and a namespace and name.

See structs_from_tsv/3 for examples.


  • csv: CSV stream or string
  • namespace: string or atom to form first part of struct alias
  • name: string or atom to form last part of struct alias
  • options: optionally pass in separator, e.g. separator: ";"
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structs_from_tsv(tsv, namespace, name)

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Defines a struct and returns stream of structs created from tsv string or stream, and a namespace and name.

Redefines struct when called again with same namespace and name but different fields. It sets struct fields to be the union of the old and new fields.


Define a struct and return stream of structs created from a tsv stream, and a namespace string and name atom.

iex> "name\tiso\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> String.split("\n") \
...> |> &1) \
...> |> DataMorph.structs_from_tsv("open-register", :iso_country) \
...> |> Enum.to_list
  %OpenRegister.IsoCountry{iso: "nz", name: "New Zealand"},
  %OpenRegister.IsoCountry{iso: "gb", name: "United Kingdom"}


Add additional new fields to struct when called again with different tsv.

iex> "name\tiso\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> DataMorph.structs_from_tsv(OpenRegister, "country") \
...> |> Enum.to_list
...> "name\tacronym\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tNZ\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tUK" \
...> |> DataMorph.structs_from_tsv(OpenRegister, "country") \
...> |> Enum.to_list
  %OpenRegister.Country{acronym: "NZ", iso: nil, name: "New Zealand"},
  %OpenRegister.Country{acronym: "UK", iso: nil, name: "United Kingdom"}


  • tsv: TSV stream or string
  • namespace: string or atom to form first part of struct alias
  • name: string or atom to form last part of struct alias