dataloader v1.0.8 Dataloader.Ecto View Source

Ecto source for Dataloader

This defines a schema and an implementation of the Dataloader.Source protocol for handling Ecto related batching.

A simple Ecto source only needs to know about your application's Repo.

Basic Usage

Querying by primary key (analogous to Ecto.Repo.get/3):

source =

loader =
  |> Dataloader.add_source(Accounts, source)
  |> Dataloader.load(Accounts, User, 1)
  |> Dataloader.load_many(Accounts, Organization, [4, 9])

organizations = Dataloader.get(loader, Accounts, Organization, [4,9])

Querying for associations. Here we look up the :users association on all the organizations, and the :organization for a single user.

loader =
  |> Dataloader.load(Accounts, :organization, user)
  |> Dataloader.load_many(Accounts, :users, organizations)

Querying by a column other than the primary key:

loader =
  |> Dataloader.load(Accounts, {:one, User}, name: "admin")

Here we pass a keyword list of length one. It is only possible to query by one column here; for more complex queries, see "filtering" below.

Notice here that we need to also specify the cardinality in the batch_key (:many or :one), which will decide whether to return a list or a single value (or nil). This is because the column may not be a key and there may be multiple matching records. Note also that even if we are returning :many values here from multiple matching records, this is still a call to Dataloader.load/4 rather than Dataloader.load_many/4 because there is only one val specified.

Filtering / Ordering can receive a 2 arity function that can be used to apply broad ordering and filtering rules, as well as handle parameters

source =, query: &Accounts.query/2)

loader =
  |> Dataloader.add_source(Accounts, source)

When we call Dataloader.load/4 we can pass in a tuple as the batch key with a keyword list of parameters in addition to the queryable or assoc_field

# with a queryable
|> Dataloader.load(Accounts, {User, order: :name}, 1)

# or an association
|> Dataloader.load_many(Accounts, {:users, order: :name}, organizations)

# this is still supported
|> Dataloader.load(Accounts, User, 1)

# as is this
|> Dataloader.load(:accounts, :user, organization)

In all cases the Accounts.query function would be:

def query(User, params) do
  field = params[:order] || :id
  from u in User, order_by: [asc: field(u, ^field)]
def query(queryable, _) do

If we query something that ends up using the User schema, whether directly or via association, the query/2 function will match on the first clause and we can handle the params. If no params are supplied, the params arg defaults to source.default_params which itself defaults to %{}.

default_params is an extremely useful place to store values like the current user:

source =, [
  query: &Accounts.query/2,
  default_params: %{current_user: current_user},

loader =
  |> Dataloader.add_source(Accounts, source)
  |> Dataloader.load_many(Accounts, Organization, ids)

# the query function
def query(Organization, %{current_user: user}) do
  from o in Organization,
    join: m in assoc(o, :memberships),
    where: m.user_id == ^
def query(queryable, _) do

In our query function we are pattern matching on the current user to make sure that we are only able to lookup data in organizations that the user actually has a membership in. Additional options you specify IE {Organization, %{order: :asc}} are merged into the default.

Custom batch queries

There are cases where you want to run the batch function yourself. To do this we can add a custom run_batch/5 callback to our source.

The run_batch/5 function is executed with the query returned from the query/2 function.

For example, we want to get the post count for a set of users.

First we add a custom run_batch/5 function.

def run_batch(_, query, :post_count, users, repo_opts) do
  user_ids =, & &
  default_count = 0

  result =
    |> where([p], p.user_id in ^user_ids)
    |> group_by([p], p.user_id)
    |> select([p], {p.user_id, count("*")})
    |> Repo.all(repo_opts)

  for %{id: id} <- users do
    [Map.get(result, id, default_count)]

# Fallback to original run_batch
def run_batch(queryable, query, col, inputs, repo_opts) do
  Dataloader.Ecto.run_batch(Repo, queryable, query, col, inputs, repo_opts)

This function is suplied with a list of users, does a query and will return the post count for each of user. If the user id is not found in the resultset, because the user has no posts, we return a post count of 0.

Now we need to call run_batch/5 from dataloader. First we add a few posts to the database.

After that, the custom run_batch/5 function is provided to the Dataloader source. Now, we can load the post count for several users. When the dataloader runs it will call the custom run_batch/5 and we can retrieve the posts counts for each individual user.

[user1, user2] = [%User{id: 1}, %User{id: 2}]

rows = [
  %{user_id:, title: "foo", published: true},
  %{user_id:, title: "baz", published: false}

_ = Repo.insert_all(Post, rows)

source =
    query: &query/2,
    run_batch: &run_batch/5

loader =
  |> Dataloader.add_source(Posts, source)

loader =
  |> Dataloader.load(Posts, {:one, Post}, post_count: user1)
  |> Dataloader.load(Posts, {:one, Post}, post_count: user2)

# Returns 2
Dataloader.get(loader, Posts, {:one, Post}, post_count: user1)
# Returns 0
Dataloader.get(loader, Posts, {:one, Post}, post_count: user2)

Additional params for the query/2 function can be passed to the load functions with a 3-tuple.

For example, to limit the above example to only return published we can add a query function to filter the published posts:

def query(Post, %{published: published}) do
  from p in Post,
  where: p.published == ^published

def query(queryable, _) do

And we can return the published posts with a 3-tuple on the loader:

loader =
|> Dataloader.load(Posts, {:one, Post}, post_count: user1)
|> Dataloader.load(Posts, {:one, Post, %{published: true}}, post_count: user1)

# Returns 2
Dataloader.get(loader, Posts, {:one, Post}, post_count: user1)
# Returns 1
Dataloader.get(loader, Posts, {:one, Post, %{published: true}}, post_count: user1)

Link to this section Summary


Create an Ecto Dataloader source.

Default implementation for loading a batch. Handles looking up records by column

Link to this section Types

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batch_fun() ::
  (Ecto.Queryable.t(), Ecto.Query.t(), any(), [any()], repo_opts() ->
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opt() ::
  {:query, query_fun()}
  | {:default_params, Map.t()}
  | {:repo_opts, repo_opts()}
  | {:timeout, pos_integer()}
  | {:run_batch, batch_fun()}
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repo_opts() :: Keyword.t()
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t() :: %Dataloader.Ecto{
  batches: map(),
  default_params: map(),
  options: Keyword.t(),
  query: query_fun(),
  repo: Ecto.Repo.t(),
  repo_opts: repo_opts(),
  results: map(),
  run_batch: batch_fun()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

new(repo, opts \\ [])

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new(Ecto.Repo.t(), [opt()]) :: t()

Create an Ecto Dataloader source.

This module handles retrieving data from Ecto for dataloader. It requires a valid Ecto Repo. It also accepts a repo_opts: option which is handy for applying options to any calls to Repo functions that this module makes.

For example, you can use this module in a multi-tenant context by using the prefix option:, repo_opts: [prefix: "tenant"])
Link to this function

run_batch(repo, queryable, query, col, inputs, repo_opts)

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  repo :: Ecto.Repo.t(),
  queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(),
  query :: Ecto.Query.t(),
  col :: any(),
  inputs :: [any()],
  repo_opts :: repo_opts()
) :: [any()]

Default implementation for loading a batch. Handles looking up records by column