View Source DateTimeParser.Parser behaviour (DateTimeParser v1.2.0)

Interface for the DateTimeParser to use when parsing a string.

The flow is:

  1. Preflight the string to see if the parser is appropriate. Sometimes the parsing can happen at this stage if it's a simple parser, for example it can be done in a single regex. Results of the preflight, if needed, can be stored in the struct.preflight.
  2. Parse the string. You have context/0 to check if you should return a time, date, or datetime. Also make sure you're honoring the user's options supplied in struct.opts

You may create your own parser and use it with the DateTimeParser by creating a module that follows this behaviour.



Parse the string.

Determine if the string is appropriate to parse with this parser. If not, then other parsers will be attempted.


@type context() :: :datetime | :date | :time | :best
@type t() :: %DateTimeParser.Parser{
  context: context(),
  mod: module(),
  opts: Keyword.t(),
  preflight: any(),
  string: String.t()


@callback parse(t()) ::
  {:ok, DateTime.t() | NaiveDateTime.t() | Time.t() | Date.t()}
  | {:error, any()}

Parse the string.

@callback preflight(t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, :not_compatible}

Determine if the string is appropriate to parse with this parser. If not, then other parsers will be attempted.