View Source Datix.NaiveDateTime (datix v0.3.1)

A NaiveDateTime parser using Calendar.strftime/3 format-string.

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Parses a datetime string according to the given format, erroring out for invalid arguments.

Parses a datetime string into a NaiveDateTime according to the given format.

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parse!(naive_datetime_str, format, opts \\ [])

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@spec parse!(String.t(), String.t() | Datix.compiled(), list()) :: NaiveDateTime.t()

Parses a datetime string according to the given format, erroring out for invalid arguments.



Accepts the same options as listed for parse/3.

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parse(naive_datetime_str, format, opts \\ [])

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Parses a datetime string into a NaiveDateTime according to the given format.

See the Calendar.strftime/3 documentation for how to specify a format string.

Time zone information is ignored.



  • :calendar - the calendar to build the Date, defaults to Calendar.ISO

  • :preferred_date - a string for the preferred format to show dates, it can't contain the %x format and defaults to "%Y-%m-%d" if the option is not received

  • :month_names - a list of the month names, if the option is not received it defaults to a list of month names in English

  • :abbreviated_month_names - a list of abbreviated month names, if the option is not received it defaults to a list of abbreviated month names in English

  • :day_of_week_names - a list of day names, if the option is not received it defaults to a list of day names in English

  • :abbreviated_day_of_week_names - a list of abbreviated day names, if the option is not received it defaults to a list of abbreviated day names in English

  • :preferred_time - a string for the preferred format to show times, it can't contain the %X format and defaults to "%H:%M:%S" if the option is not received

  • :am_pm_names - a keyword list with the names of the period of the day, defaults to [am: "am", pm: "pm"].

  • :pivot_year - a 2-digit year that represents the pivot year to use when %y is used. %y represents a 2-digit year, but Datix doesn't assume anything about which century such year refers to. For this reason, the :pivot_year option is required whenever %y is present in the format string; if not present, this function returns {:error, :missing_pivot_year_option}. For example, if pivot_year: 65, then the 2-digit year 64 and lower will refer to the current century (2064 and so on at the time of writing this), while the 2-digit year 65 and higher will refer to the previous century (1965 and so on).



iex> Datix.NaiveDateTime.parse("2021/01/10 12:14:24", "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
{:ok, ~N[2021-01-10 12:14:24]}

iex> format = Datix.compile!("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
iex> Datix.NaiveDateTime.parse("2021/01/10 12:14:24", format)
{:ok, ~N[2021-01-10 12:14:24]}

iex> Datix.NaiveDateTime.parse("2018/06/27 11:23:55 CEST+0200", "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z")
{:ok, ~N[2018-06-27 11:23:55Z]}

iex> Datix.NaiveDateTime.parse("21/11/22", "%y/%m/%d", pivot_year: 50)
{:ok, ~N[2021-11-22 00:00:00]}

iex> Datix.NaiveDateTime.parse("21/11/22", "%y/%m/%d", pivot_year: 20)
{:ok, ~N[1921-11-22 00:00:00]}