View Source Datix (datix v0.3.1)

A date-time parser using Calendar.strftime/3 format strings.

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An opaque type representing a compiled format.



Like compile/1, but returns the compiled struct directly or raises in case of errors.

Compiles the given format string.

Parses a date-time string according to the given format, erroring out for invalid arguments.

Parses a date-time string according to the given format.

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@opaque compiled()

An opaque type representing a compiled format.

The struct representation is internal and could change in the future without notice.

@type t() :: %{
  optional(:am_pm) => :am | :pm,
  optional(:day) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:day_of_week) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:day_of_year) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:hour) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:hour_12) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:microsecond) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:minute) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:month) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:quarter) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:second) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:year) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:year_2_digit) => pos_integer(),
  optional(:zone_abbr) => String.t(),
  optional(:zone_offset) => integer()

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@spec compile!(String.t()) :: compiled()

Like compile/1, but returns the compiled struct directly or raises in case of errors.



iex> Datix.compile!("%Y-%m-%d")

iex> Datix.compile!("%l")
** (Datix.FormatStringError) invalid format string because of invalid modifier: %l
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@spec compile(String.t()) :: {:ok, compiled()} | {:error, Datix.FormatStringError.t()}

Compiles the given format string.

If the format string is a valid format string, then this function returns {:ok, compiled}. compiled is a term that represents a compiled format (its internal representation is private). You can pass a compiled/0 term to strptime/3 and such.

If the format string is invalid, this function returns {:error, reason}, where reason is an exception struct.

You can use this function for two reasons:

  • You have the same format string that you want to compile once and then use to parse over and over

  • You want to validate a format string

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strptime!(date_time_str, format, opts \\ [])

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@spec strptime!(String.t(), String.t() | compiled(), keyword()) :: t()

Parses a date-time string according to the given format, erroring out for invalid arguments.

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strptime(date_time_str, format, opts \\ [])

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@spec strptime(String.t(), String.t() | compiled(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, t()}
  | {:error,
     Datix.ParseError.t() | Datix.FormatStringError.t() | Datix.OptionError.t()}

Parses a date-time string according to the given format.

See the Calendar.strftime/3 documentation for how to specify a format string.

format can be a format string or, since v0.2.0 of the library, a compiled format as returned by compile/1.

If parsing is successful, this function returns {:ok, datix} where datix is a map of type t/0. If you are looking for functions that return Elixir structs (such as DateTime and similar), see Datix.DateTime, Datix.Date, Datix.Time, and Datix.NaiveDateTime.

If there's an error, this function returns {:error, error} where error is an exception struct. You can raise it manually with raise/1.



  • :preferred_date - a string for the preferred format to show dates, it can't contain the %x format and defaults to "%Y-%m-%d" if the option is not received

  • :month_names - a list of the month names, if the option is not received it defaults to a list of month names in English

  • :abbreviated_month_names - a list of abbreviated month names, if the option is not received it defaults to a list of abbreviated month names in English

  • :day_of_week_names - a list of day names, if the option is not received it defaults to a list of day names in English

  • :abbreviated_day_of_week_names - a list of abbreviated day names, if the option is not received it defaults to a list of abbreviated day names in English

  • :preferred_time - a string for the preferred format to show times, it can't contain the %X format and defaults to "%H:%M:%S" if the option is not received

  • :am_pm_names - a keyword list with the names of the period of the day, defaults to [am: "am", pm: "pm"].



iex> Datix.strptime("2021/01/10", "%Y/%m/%d")
{:ok, %{day: 10, month: 1, year: 2021}}

iex> Datix.strptime("21/01/10", "%y/%m/%d")
{:ok, %{day: 10, month: 1, year_2_digit: 21}}

iex> Datix.strptime("13/14/15", "%H/%M/%S")
{:ok, %{hour: 13, minute: 14, second: 15}}

iex> Datix.strptime("1 PM", "%-I %p")
{:ok, %{am_pm: :pm, hour_12: 1}}

iex> Datix.strptime("Tuesday", "%A")
{:ok, %{day_of_week: 2}}

iex> Datix.strptime("Tue", "%a")
{:ok, %{day_of_week: 2}}

iex> Datix.strptime("Di", "%a",
...>   abbreviated_day_of_week_names: ~w(Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So))
{:ok, %{day_of_week: 2}}

iex> compiled = Datix.compile!("%Y/%m/%d")
iex> Datix.strptime("2021/01/10", compiled)
{:ok, %{day: 10, month: 1, year: 2021}}

iex> Datix.strptime("irrelevant", "%l")
{:error, %Datix.FormatStringError{reason: {:invalid_modifier, "%l"}}}