deep_merge v1.0.0 DeepMerge View Source

Provides functionality for deeply/recursively merging structures (normally for Map and Keyword).

If you want to change the deep merge behavior of a custom struct, please have a look at the DeepMerge.Resolver protocol.

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The symbol to return in the function in deep_merge/3 when deep merging should continue as normal

Deeply merges two maps or keyword list original and override

A variant of DeepMerge.deep_merge/2 that allows to modify the merge behavior through the additional passed in function

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continue_deep_merge() View Source
continue_deep_merge() :: :__deep_merge_continue

The symbol to return in the function in deep_merge/3 when deep merging should continue as normal.


iex> DeepMerge.continue_deep_merge
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deep_merge(original, override) View Source
deep_merge(map() | keyword(), map() | keyword()) :: map() | keyword()

Deeply merges two maps or keyword list original and override.

In more detail, if two conflicting values are maps or keyword lists themselves then they will also be merged recursively. This is an extension in that sense to what Map.merge/2 and Keyword.merge/2 do as it doesn't just override map or keyword values but tries to merge them.

It does not merge structs or structs with maps. If you want your structs to be merged then please have a look at the DeepMerge.Resolver protocol and consider implementing/deriving it.

Also, while it says Map and Keyword here, it is really dependent on which types implement the DeepMerge.Resolver protocol, which by default are Map and Keyword.


iex> DeepMerge.deep_merge(%{a: 1, b: [x: 10, y: 9]}, %{b: [y: 20, z: 30], c: 4})
%{a: 1, b: [x: 10, y: 20, z: 30], c: 4}

iex> DeepMerge.deep_merge(%{a: 1, b: %{x: 10, y: 9}}, %{b: %{y: 20, z: 30}, c: 4})
%{a: 1, b: %{x: 10, y: 20, z: 30}, c: 4}

iex> DeepMerge.deep_merge(%{a: 1, b: %{x: 10, y: 9}}, %{b: %{y: 20, z: 30}, c: 4})
%{a: 1, b: %{x: 10, y: 20, z: 30}, c: 4}

iex> DeepMerge.deep_merge([a: 1, b: [x: 10, y: 9]], [b: [y: 20, z: 30], c: 4])
[a: 1, b: [x: 10, y: 20, z: 30], c: 4]

iex> DeepMerge.deep_merge(%{a: 1, b: 2}, %{b: 3, c: 4})
%{a: 1, b: 3, c: 4}

iex> DeepMerge.deep_merge(%{a: 1, b: %{x: 10, y: 9}}, %{b: 5, c: 4})
%{a: 1, b: 5, c: 4}

iex> DeepMerge.deep_merge([a: [b: [c: 1, d: 2], e: [24]]], [a: [b: [f: 3], e: [42, 100]]])
[a: [b: [c: 1, d: 2, f: 3], e: [42, 100]]]

iex> DeepMerge.deep_merge(%{a: 1, b: 5}, %{b: %{x: 10, y: 9}, c: 4})
%{a: 1, b: %{x: 10, y: 9}, c: 4}

iex> DeepMerge.deep_merge(%{a: [b: %{c: [d: "foo", e: 2]}]}, %{a: [b: %{c: [d: "bar"]}]})
%{a: [b: %{c: [e: 2, d: "bar"]}]}
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deep_merge(original, override, resolve_function) View Source
deep_merge(map() | keyword(), map() | keyword(), (any(), any() -> any())) ::
  map() | keyword()

A variant of DeepMerge.deep_merge/2 that allows to modify the merge behavior through the additional passed in function.

This is similar to the relationship between Map.merge/2 and Map.merge/3 and the structure of the function is exactly the same, e.g. the passed in arguments are key, original and override.

The function is called before a merge is performed. If it returns any value that value is inserted at that point during the deep_merge. If the deep merge should continue like normal you need to return the symbol returned by DeepMerge.continue_deep_merge/0.

If the merge conflict occurs at the top level then key is nil.

The example shows how this can be used to modify deep_merge not to merge keyword lists, in case you don't like that behavior.


iex> resolver = fn
...> (_, original, override) when is_list(original) and is_list(override) ->
...>   override
...> (_, _original, _override) ->
...>   DeepMerge.continue_deep_merge
...> end
iex> DeepMerge.deep_merge(%{a: %{b: 1}, c: [d: 1]},
...> %{a: %{z: 5}, c: [x: 0]}, resolver)
%{a: %{b: 1, z: 5}, c: [x: 0]}