View Source Delta (Delta v0.4.0)



Compacts Delta to satisfy compactness requirement.

Returns a new Delta that is equivalent to applying the operations of one Delta, followed by another Delta

Returns a new Delta that is equivalent to applying Deltas one by one

Concatenates two Deltas.

Returns a delta representing the difference between two documents.

Returns an inverted delta that has the opposite effect of against a base document delta.

Pushes an operation to a reversed Delta honouring semantics.

Returns the size of delta.

Attempts to take len characters starting from index.

Takes len or fewer characters from index position. Variable len allows to not cut things like emojis in half.

Splits delta at the given index.

Transforms given delta against another's operations.



@spec compact(t()) :: t()

Compacts Delta to satisfy compactness requirement.


iex> delta = [Op.insert("Hel"), Op.insert("lo"), Op.insert("World", %{"bold" => true})]
iex> Delta.compact(delta)
[%{"insert" => "Hello"}, %{"insert" => "World", "attributes" => %{"bold" => true}}]
@spec compose(t(), t()) :: t()

Returns a new Delta that is equivalent to applying the operations of one Delta, followed by another Delta


iex> a = [Op.insert("abc")]
iex> b = [Op.retain(1), Op.delete(1)]
iex> Delta.compose(a, b)
[%{"insert" => "ac"}]
@spec compose_all([t()]) :: t()

Returns a new Delta that is equivalent to applying Deltas one by one


iex> a = [Op.insert("ac")]
iex> b = [Op.retain(1), Op.insert("b")]
iex> c = [Op.delete(1)]
iex> Delta.compose_all([a, b, c])
[%{"insert" => "bc"}]
@spec concat(t(), t()) :: t()

Concatenates two Deltas.


iex> a = [Op.insert("Hel")]
iex> b = [Op.insert("lo")]
iex> Delta.concat(a, b)
[%{"insert" => "Hello"}]
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diff(base, other)

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@spec diff(t(), t()) :: t()

Returns a delta representing the difference between two documents.


iex> a = [Op.insert("Hello")]
iex> b = [Op.insert("Hello!")]
iex> diff = Delta.diff(a, b)
  %{"retain" => 5},
  %{"insert" => "!"}
iex> Delta.compose(a, diff) == b
@spec get_handler(atom()) :: module() | nil
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@spec get_handler!(atom()) :: module()
@spec invert(t(), t()) :: t()

Returns an inverted delta that has the opposite effect of against a base document delta.

That is base |> Delta.compose(change) |> Delta.compose(inverted) == base.


iex> base = [Op.insert("Hello\nWorld")]
iex> change = [
...>   Op.retain(6, %{"bold" => true}),
...>   Op.delete(5),
...>   Op.insert("!"),
...> ]
iex> inverted = Delta.invert(change, base)
  %{"retain" => 6, "attributes" => %{"bold" => nil}},
  %{"insert" => "World"},
  %{"delete" => 1},
iex> base |> Delta.compose(change) |> Delta.compose(inverted) == base
@spec push(t(), false) :: t()
@spec push(t(), Delta.Op.t()) :: t()

Pushes an operation to a reversed Delta honouring semantics.

Note: that reversed delta does not represent a reversed text, but rather a list of operations that was naively reversed during programmatic manipulations. This function is normally only used by other functions which reverse the list back in the end.


iex> delta = [Op.insert("World", %{"italic" => true}), Op.insert("Hello", %{"bold" => true})]
iex> op = Op.insert("!")
iex> Delta.push(delta, op)
[%{"insert" => "!"}, %{"insert" => "World", "attributes" => %{"italic" => true}}, %{"insert" => "Hello", "attributes" => %{"bold" => true}}]

iex> delta = [Op.insert("World"), Op.insert("Hello", %{"bold" => true})]
iex> op = Op.insert("!")
iex> Delta.push(delta, op)
[%{"insert" => "World!"}, %{"insert" => "Hello", "attributes" => %{"bold" => true}}]
@spec size(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

Returns the size of delta.


iex> delta = [Op.insert("abc"), Op.retain(2), Op.delete(1)]
iex> Delta.size(delta)
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slice(delta, index, len)

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@spec slice(t(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) :: t()

Attempts to take len characters starting from index.

Note: note that due to the way it's implemented this operation can potentially raise if the resulting text isn't a valid UTF-8 encoded string


iex> delta = [Op.insert("Hello World")]
iex> Delta.slice(delta, 6, 3)
[%{"insert" => "Wor"}]

iex> delta = [Op.insert("01🙋45")]
iex> Delta.slice(delta, 1, 2)
** (RuntimeError) Encoding failed in take_partial {"1🙋45", %{"insert" => "1🙋45"}, 2, {:incomplete, "1", <<216, 61>>}, {:error, "", <<222, 75, 0, 52, 0, 53>>}}
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slice_max(delta, index, len)

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@spec slice_max(t(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) :: t()

Takes len or fewer characters from index position. Variable len allows to not cut things like emojis in half.


iex> delta = [Op.insert("Hello World")]
iex> Delta.slice_max(delta, 6, 3)
[%{"insert" => "Wor"}]

iex> delta = [Op.insert("01🙋45")]
iex> Delta.slice_max(delta, 1, 2)
[%{"insert" => "1"}]
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split(delta, index, opts \\ [])

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@spec split(t(), non_neg_integer() | (... -> any()), Keyword.t()) :: {t(), t()}

Splits delta at the given index.


  • :align - when true, allow moving index left if we're likely to split a grapheme otherwise.


iex> delta = [Op.insert("Hello World")]
iex> Delta.split(delta, 5)
{[%{"insert" => "Hello"}], [%{"insert" => " World"}]}

iex> delta = [Op.insert("01🙋45")]
iex> Delta.split(delta, 3, align: true)
{[%{"insert" => "01"}], [%{"insert" => "🙋45"}]}

iex> delta = [Op.insert("a"), Op.insert("b", %{"bold" => true})]
iex> Delta.split(delta, 3)
{[%{"insert" => "a"}, %{"insert" => "b", "attributes" => %{"bold" => true}}], []}
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transform(index, delta, priority \\ false)

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@spec transform(t(), t(), boolean()) :: t()

Transforms given delta against another's operations.

This accepts an optional priority argument (default: false), used to break ties. If true, the first delta takes priority over other, that is, its actions are considered to happen "first."


iex> a = [Op.insert("a")]
iex> b = [Op.insert("b"), Op.retain(5), Op.insert("c")]
iex> Delta.transform(a, b, true)
  %{"retain" => 1},
  %{"insert" => "b"},
  %{"retain" => 5},
  %{"insert" => "c"},
iex> Delta.transform(a, b)
  %{"insert" => "b"},
  %{"retain" => 6},
  %{"insert" => "c"},