destructure v0.3.0 Destructure View Source

Provides helpers for destructuring Elixir data structures. See the d/1 macro for more information.

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Easy destructuring of map, structs, keyword, with atom keys. String keys are supported via a special syntax d(s%{param}).

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Easy destructuring of map, structs, keyword, with atom keys. String keys are supported via a special syntax d(s%{param}).


The macro can be used in simple match statements:

iex> d(%{name}) = %{name: "Joe"}
...> name

Or in case/for/with statements.

iex> case %{name: "Mike"} do
...>   d%{name} -> name
...> end

It can be used inside a complex match:

iex> %{body: d%{name}} = %{body: %{name: "Robert"}}
...> name

With multiple keys:

iex> d(%{first, last}) = %{first: "Daniel", last: "Berkompas"}
...> {first, last}
{"Daniel", "Berkompas"}

With multiple keys and custom variable naming:

iex> d(%{first, last, email: mail}) = %{first: "Daniel", last: "Berkompas", email: ""}
...> {first, last, mail}
{"Daniel", "Berkompas", ""}

For Maps with String Keys:

iex> s(%{name}) = %{"name" => "Daniel Berkompas"}
...> name
"Daniel Berkompas"

With multiple keys:

iex> s(%{name, email}) = %{"name" => "Daniel Berkompas", "email" => ""}
...> {name, email}
{"Daniel Berkompas", ""}

With multiple keys and custom variable naming:

iex> s(%{name, "email" => mail}) = %{"name" => "Daniel Berkompas", "email" => ""}
...> {name, mail}
{"Daniel Berkompas", ""}

For structs:

iex> d(%Person{name}) = %Person{name: "Daniel Berkompas"}
...> name
"Daniel Berkompas"

With multiple keys:

iex> d(%Person{name, email}) = %Person{name: "Daniel Berkompas", email: ""}
...> {name, email}
{"Daniel Berkompas", ""}

With multiple keys and custom variable naming:

iex> d(%Person{name, email: mail}) = %Person{name: "Daniel Berkompas", email: ""}
...> {name, mail}
{"Daniel Berkompas", ""}

For keyword lists:

iex> d([name]) = [name: "Daniel"]
...> name

With multiple keys:

iex> d([first, last]) = [first: "Daniel", last: "Berkompas"]
...> [first, last]
["Daniel", "Berkompas"]

With multiple keys and custom assignment:

iex> d([first, last, email: mail]) = [first: "Daniel", last: "Berkompas", email: ""]
...> [first, last, mail]
["Daniel", "Berkompas", ""]

And in function definitions:

iex> defmodule Test do
...>   import Destructure
...>   def test(d%{name}) do
...>     name
...>   end
...> end
...> Test.test(%{name: "Daniel"})