Dilute v2.0.0-rc.3 Dilute.Resolution View Source

Query-esque representation for Absinthe.Resolutions.

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derive_resolution(acc \\ nil, select)

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derive_resolution(nil, %Absinthe.Resolution{
  acc: term(),
  adapter: term(),
  arguments: term(),
  context: term(),
  definition: term(),
  errors: term(),
  extensions: term(),
  fields_cache: term(),
  fragments: term(),
  middleware: term(),
  parent_type: term(),
  path: term(),
  private: term(),
  root_value: term(),
  schema: term(),
  source: term(),
  state: term(),
  value: term()
}) :: %Dilute.Resolution{
  cardinality: term(),
  ident: term(),
  join: term(),
  select: term(),
  type: term(),
  type_module: term(),
  where: term()
    cardinality: term(),
    ident: term(),
    join: term(),
    select: term(),
    type: term(),
    type_module: term(),
    where: term()
  | nil,
    alias: term(),
    argument_data: term(),
    arguments: term(),
    complexity: term(),
    directives: term(),
    errors: term(),
    flags: term(),
    name: term(),
    schema_node: term(),
    selections: term(),
    source_location: term(),
    type_conditions: term()
) :: %Dilute.Resolution{
  cardinality: term(),
  ident: term(),
  join: term(),
  select: term(),
  type: term(),
  type_module: term(),
  where: term()

Derives the Dilute.Resolution for the given Absinthe.Resolution