Dilute v2.0.0-rc.4 Dilute.Adapter behaviour View Source

Adapters serve as a translator between schema libaries and Dilute. One of the build in Adapters is the Ecto adapter, which can be used to derive absinthe object definitions from Ecto schemas.

The callbacks that have to be implemented are:

applicable?/1 - Checks if the given module is a valid subject for the adapter and returns true/false

iex> Dilute.Adapter.Ecto.applicable?(Comment)
iex> Dilute.Adapter.Ecto.applicable?(NoEctoSchema)

fields/1 - Returns a list of fields wich can be processed by Dilute afterwards. Each field is represented as a tuple {field, cardinality, type, related}.

  • field is the atom identifier of the field
  • cardinality either :one or :many
  • type a valid absinthe type. If the field references another object type has to be :"$module"
  • related either the source type (for an ecto :utc_datetime which is mapped to :datetime this would be :utc_datetime), or should it be an reference to another module this has to be the respective module.

    iex> Dilute.Adapter.Ecto.fields(Comment) [ {:id, :one, :id, :id}, {:content, :one, :string, :string}, {:votes, :one, :integer, :integer}, {:last_viewed, :one, :integer, DiluteTest.Environment.Ecto.UnixTime}, {:post_id, :one, :id, :id}, {:inserted_at, :one, :naive_datetime, :naive_datetime}, {:updated_at, :one, :naive_datetime, :naive_datetime},


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applicable?(module()) :: boolean()
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fields(module()) :: [{atom(), :one | :many, atom(), atom()}]