Welcome to Dirent

Copyright © 2020 Telnyx LLC

Authors: Guilherme Balena Versiani (guilherme@telnyx.com).

Dirent is an iterative directory listing for Erlang.


Erlang functions such as filelib:fold_files/5, file:list_dir/1, c:ls/0,1, etc return files from directories after reading them from the filesystem. When you have an humongous number of files on a single folder, all these functions will block for a certain time.

In these cases you may not be interested in returning the full list of files, but instead you may want to list them iteratively, returning each entry after the another to your process, at the moment they are taken from readdir.


Download the sources from our Github repository]

To build the application simply run rebar3 compile.

Or add it to your rebar config add:

{deps, [
    {dirent, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/team-telnyx/dirent.git", {branch, "master"}}}

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