distillery v2.0.8 Mix.Releases.App View Source
Represents important metadata about a given application.
Link to this section Summary
Create a new Application struct from an application name
Same as new/1, but specify the application’s start type
Determines if the provided start type is a valid one
Link to this section Types
Link to this type
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start_type() :: :permanent | :temporary | :transient | :load | :none
Link to this section Functions
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new(atom()) :: nil | Mix.Releases.App.t() | {:error, String.t()}
Create a new Application struct from an application name
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new(name, start_type)
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new(atom(), start_type() | nil) :: nil | Mix.Releases.App.t() | {:error, String.t()}
Same as new/1, but specify the application’s start type
Determines if the provided start type is a valid one.