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Frequently Asked Questions


If you have a question that you think belongs in this section, please open an issue here. We will gladly accept PRs for documentation as well!

Release Configuration

What is the difference between Mix environments and Distillery environments?

While similar on the surface, the concept of environments in Mix and Distillery refer to two different things.

In Mix, environments refer to the compilation environment. Mix environments determine what dependencies are fetched and compiled, what tasks are available, and potentially affect how your project and its dependencies compile themselves, for example, setting different values for module attributes based on Mix.env.

Since Mix blends compile-time and runtime concerns in it’s config file, config/config.exs, Mix environments also potentially affect which configuration values are set at runtime. You will see this in practice with something like import_config "#{Mix.env}.exs".

Distillery, on the other hand, refers to environments in a deployment context, e.g. staging, production, etc. In development, you want builds to be optimized for quick iteration, or to use system tooling rather than bundle everything needed into the release. In staging or production, you will want to build an artifact that stands alone, but may want to change how configuration is provisioned in those environments.

In many cases, your Mix environments and Distillery environments may line up - which is why Distillery creates :dev and :prod environments by default in its configuration file, and why it sets the default environment to be chosen based on the value of Mix.env. This allows you to run mix release or MIX_ENV=prodmix release out of the box, and have it do “the right thing”.

You can either keep your Mix environments and Distillery environments in sync, or select them independently:

$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env=staging

What is a profile?

Distillery refers to the pairing of a release definition with an environment as a profile, or release profile. Internally a profile is the result of overlaying environment-specific settings on top of settings in the release definition.

You can select a specific release/environment pair to build with the --profile flag:

$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release --profile=myapp:staging

Which is the same as if you had invoked release like so:

$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release --name=myapp --env=staging


“Orphaned” applications or partially booted releases

Distillery allows you to specify the start type of applications in the release, or override the start type, like so:

release :myapp do
  set applications: [
    myapp: :permanent,
    foo: :temporary,
    bar: :load,
    qux: :none

Using the above example, let’s assume that :bar is a dependency of :myapp, and is present in the applications list of :myapp.

When the release boots, it starts all the applications in the release, in dependency order. It determines this order based on the applications list for each application being started. Before an application can be started, all applications in its applications list must be started first.

So using our example, when the release boots, and reaches the point where it wants to start :myapp, it will wait for :bar to start before proceeding. However, we set the start type of :bar to :load, which means it isn’t started during boot, and the release will wait indefinitely for a condition which will never happen - it will only be partially booted.


The result in this situation is that the release will appear to have started without errors, but you will notice missing functionality. For example, if :myapp is a Phoenix application, the HTTP endpoint will never be started, and so requests will fail.

Distillery will warn you when it detects this situation, allow you to fix the start type, or take a different approach with how you manage the load-only dependency. Usually, the solution is to make :bar an included application, and remove it from the applications list in rel/config.exs.


It is not strictly a problem to use :load or :none start types, but they must not be used when they are dependencies of an application with a start type of :permanent or :temporary, as those applications will be unable to boot. Do not specify a start type if the application is included (in other words, present in included_applications).


How do I build a self-contained executable?

Distillery has the capability to generate “executable” releases via the --executable flag.

These are self-extracting tar archives with a header script which passes arguments to the releases run control script upon extraction. It will only extract itself on the first run, to ./tmp/<rel_name>, further runs will use the already extracted release for efficiency. If you want the executable to remove the extracted files after the release terminates, you can enable this auto-cleanup by marking the executable as transient with --transient.


The executable feature is unavailable on Windows

This feature is ideal for building command-line applications. The reason why you might want to use this approach versus escripts is that you are able to bundle the Erlang runtime with the executable, and thus deploy the app to target systems which do not have Erlang/Elixir installed, additionally, you have the flexibility to use these applications as daemons with all of the tooling associated with releases (e.g. remote shell).

How do I run multiple instances of a release on the same host?

You may have seen an error something like this:

{error_logger,{{2016,8,26},{23,11,6}},"Protocol: ~tp: the name myapp@ seems to be in use by another Erlang node",["inet_tcp"]}

This occurs when a fully-qualified node name is already running on the host.

Distillery creates releases which have a preset name and cookie for Erlang’s distribution protocol. As a result, every time you start the release, it has the same fully-qualified node name. To work around this, you just need to provide your own VM arguments file in place of the defaults that Distillery provides.

First, create rel/vm.args:

-name ${NODENAME}@
-setcookie myapp

This uses syntax for replacing environment variables at runtime, enabled by exporting REPLACE_OS_VARS in the runtime environment (as well as any environment variables you reference).

Then, update your rel/config.exs to use that custom vm.args, which should look something like the following:

release :myapp do
  set version: current_version(:myapp)
  set vm_args: "rel/vm.args"


You can set :vm_args in either release or environment definitions.

Then run your release:

$ REPLACE_OS_VARS=true NODENAME=myapp1 bin/myapp start
$ REPLACE_OS_VARS=true NODENAME=myapp2 bin/myapp start
$ REPLACE_OS_VARS=true NODENAME=myapp3 bin/myapp start

Source Control

What should I put in my .gitignore?

You should make sure that rel is not in your .gitignore, as everything under that directory should be considered required sources for release builds.


If you change the release output directory via the :output_dir setting, then you will want to ensure that the new directory is ignored, since outputs can always be reproduced from the sources.


Release crashes with undefined module errors

If you, or a dependency, forgot to include an application in your applications, extra_applications, or included_applications lists (when not relying on Mix’s inference), then your release will crash at runtime, the first time code in that application is referenced.

To fix this, you must do one of the following:

  • For Erlang standard library applications, for example xmerl, you must add the application to extra_applications.
  • For dependencies pulled from Hex, or an SCM, if the missing application is a direct dependency and you manually define your applications list in mix.exs, you need to add the missing application to that list.
  • If the missing application is a transitive dependency (in other words, a dependency of a dependency), then you have three options:
    • Add the application to the parent dependency’s applications list
    • Make the dependency a direct dependency, as an override (e.g. {:foo, "~>0.1", override: true}), and add it to your applications list (if not relying on inference)


If you discover a dependency with missing applications in it’s applications list, you should notify the maintainer, as this is a bug in their application!

Distillery used to warn about this condition, but in order to do so, it relied on private Mix APIs. We did this because the way Mix inferred the applications list was not always correct with regard to the runtime: false option of dependencies - namely that if a dependency appeared in applications and was decorated with runtime: false, Mix would ignore the runtime: false declaration. These two settings are mutually exclusive, so Distillery warned about this when there was conflict.

These issues are now being addressed upstream in Mix, so this should no longer be an issue in general, but if you do encounter a problem with applications inference, it should be reported upstream in Mix.

I have two dependencies with conflicting modules

This is an annoying situation to find yourself in, and is a key reason why the community has a convention of namespacing modules. However, if you encounter this situation in your own projects, the first step is to fork one (or both) projects, namespace the problem modules, and then use your fork until the author of the project merges your changes.


If you encounter problems with any of your dependencies, always open an issue! Most maintainers are glad to fix issues causing grief to their users, and issues like the one mentioned here have widespread impact. It is always worth the time to write up an issue so that the community can benefit as a whole.

It is critical that we as a community let maintainers know when they have modules which conflict with other projects, and encourage each other to namespace our projects properly to prevent this from happening.

NIFs (natively-implemented functions)

If you forget to compile NIFs on the same OS/architecture as your target system, your release will fail at runtime when it attempts to load them. You must cross-compile your release in that case, or ensure that your build environment and target environment share the same OS/architecture, and system packages.

Cross-compiling a release with include_erts: <path> only cross-compiles the BEAMs, it does not cross-compile any natively-implemented dependencies, such as those contained in comeonin and other packages.


You must also make sure that the Erlang runtime (ERTS) is compiled for the target system as well, or it will fail to boot. Distillery will tell you (at runtime) if the ERTS it tries to run with does not work on the target system.

If you must cross-compile, you will need to make sure that you set up the cross-compilation toolchain for those dependencies as well, which is beyond the scope of Distillery or this document.


I strongly recommend building releases you plan to deploy within a Docker container or Vagrant virtual machine. This allows you to tightly control the build environment for the release, and easily compile it for the target system’s OS and architecture. Check out one of the guides for more information

Hot upgrades and downgrades

missing_chunk error

If you see the following error when upgrading:

ERROR: release_handler:check_install_release failed: {'EXIT',

Then the version of the release that is currently installed had it’s debug information stripped (either via the :strip_debug_info setting, or manually via :beam_lib.strip).

Distillery warns about this when you build an upgrade release, but since you can build an initial release with this setting enabled before you start building upgrades, Distillery cannot prevent this.

To fix this error, you will need to stop the currently running release, and extract the release tarball over the top of the existing release root directory, then start the release again.

Unpack failed error

If you see the following error when upgrading:

Unpack failed: {enoent,"/path/to/release/releases/0.2.0/myapp.rel"}

This is very likely due to repackaging the release tarball using the tar utility in a way which changes the filename entries such that they do not match what the release handler is expecting.

The release tarball has entries of the form releases/0.2.0/myapp.rel, where GNU tar (and likely others) may add entries relative to a directory, resulting in entries of the form ./releases/0.2.0/myapp.rel. Despite the fact that these equate to the same logical path, they are nevertheless considered different files in the tar file format, as the name of the entry differs. Since the release handler is expecting the former, and cannot handle the latter, your only option is to ensure entries are added to the tarball in the proper format.


You should avoid repackaging the tarball generated by Distillery if at all possible. Distillery provides numerous forms of extensibility, namely plugins and overlays, which allow you to extend the contents of the release as needed. Distillery also provides boot hooks, which are shell scripts which allow you do just about anything you want at various lifecycle points in the boot process.

If you need to modify the release on the target system, such as vm.args, consider using REPLACE_OS_VARS and environment variable references instead.

If you really need to repackage the release, you will need to use :erl_tar, and match the way that Distillery builds it, so that the result matches both what Distillery expects, and what the release handler expects.


Releases produced by Distillery must have the following requirements met in terms of permissions, in order to run. As an example, we’ll assume a release which has been unpacked to /opt/app:

  • It must be able to read $HOME/.erlang.cookie
  • If $HOME/.erlang.cookie does not exist, it must be able to create it
  • It must be able to read/write to RELEASE_MUTABLE_DIR. By default, this would be /opt/app/var in our example.
  • It must be able read and write everything in /opt/app, unless:
    • RELEASE_READ_ONLY is set, in which case only read permissions are required
    • The release is not an upgrade release, in which case only RELEASE_MUTABLE_DIR need be writable.
  • If RELEASE_CONFIG_DIR is set, the release must have read permissions to files in that directory. By default, this would be /opt/app/ in our example.


Use of RELEASE_READ_ONLY is intended for a specific use case. Namely, running release tasks as a user other than the user the release is being run as. You cannot start the release with this set, as a release expects to be able to modify files when run (in order to handle REPLACE_OS_VARS, amongst other things). The purpose of this environment variable is to prevent overwriting or changing permissions of files in the release accidentally as a side-effect of running unrelated tasks (such as remote_console).

Distillery will try to give you a friendly error, when it can, if permissions are incorrect, but this may not always be the case. If you encounter a situation where the errors are not friendly, please open an issue and we will try to improve them.