distillery v2.1.1 mix distillery.gen.appup View Source

Generate appup files for hot upgrades and downgrades


# Generate an appup for :test from the last known version to the current version
mix distillery.gen.appup --app=test

# Generate an appup for :test from a specific version to the current version
mix distillery.gen.appup --app=test --upfrom=0.1.0

The generated appup will be written to rel/appups/<app>/<from>_to_<to>.appup. You may name appups anything you wish in this directory, as long as they have a .appup extension. When you build a release, the appup generator will look for missing appups in this directory structure, and scan all .appup files for matching versions. If you have multiple appup files which match the current release, then the first one encountered will take precedence, which more than likely will depend on the sort order of the names.

This task will take all of the same flags as mix distillery.release, but only uses them to determine the release configuration to use when determining application locations and versions.

Link to this section Summary


A task needs to implement run which receives a list of command line args.

Link to this section Functions

A task needs to implement run which receives a list of command line args.

Callback implementation for Mix.Task.run/1.