API Reference divo v2.0.0



Can be used in place of Divo to also include ExUnit.Case. Opts will still be passed to Divo as normal, and the async opt will be passed only to ExUnit.Case.

Implements the basic docker-compose commands for running from your mix tasks. Run, stop, and kill container services.

Constructs the ad hoc docker-compose file used by Divo to run docker dependency services based on config in the app environment (Mix.env()) file.

Extract common key-fetching functionality used by all of the mix tasks to construct the proper arguments to the docker commands.

Implements a behaviour for importing predefined compose stacks from external library complementary to divo for quickly standing up well-defined services with little variation in configuration.

Implements a validation of the compose file structure, either constructed by divo or supplied by as an existing compose file.


Mix Tasks

Executes docker-compose down with your :divo configuration.

Executes docker-compose up with your :divo configuration.

Executes docker-compose stop with your :divo configuration.

Runs integration tests. This task will only work if your project has been configured according to the configuration steps provided in Divo.