DNS.Record (dns v2.4.0) View Source

Struct definition for serializing and parsing DNS records.

Link to this section Summary


Decodes a binary record into a DNS.Record struct.

Serializes a DNS.Record into its binary representation.

Converts a :dns_rec record into a DNS.Record.

Converts a DNS.Record struct to a :dns_rec record.

Link to this section Types


t() :: %DNS.Record{
  anlist: term(),
  arlist: term(),
  header: term(),
  nslist: term(),
  qdlist: term()

Link to this section Functions


decode(binary()) :: t()

Decodes a binary record into a DNS.Record struct.

Serializes a DNS.Record into its binary representation.

Converts a :dns_rec record into a DNS.Record.

Converts a DNS.Record struct to a :dns_rec record.