View Source DoIt.Output (do_it v0.6.1)

This module formats command help outputs.



It returns the allowed values from the given DoIt.Argument.

It returns the description from DoIt.Argument.

It formats the given DoIt.Argument name attribute with spaces on the right, accordingly with the align parameter.

It formats the given DoIt.Option alias attribute.

It returns the allowed values from the given DoIt.Option.

It formats the given DoIt.Option default attribute.

It returns the description from DoIt.Option.

It formats the given DoIt.Option name attribute with spaces on the right, accordingly with the align parameter.

It gets the length of the longer name attribute.


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It returns the allowed values from the given DoIt.Argument.


iex> DoIt.Output.format_argument_allowed_values(%DoIt.Argument{name: :op, type: :string, description: "Operation", allowed_values: ["+", "-", "*", "/"]})
" (Allowed Values: \"+\", \"-\", \"*\", \"/\")"

iex> DoIt.Output.format_argument_allowed_values(%DoIt.Argument{name: :verbose, type: :boolean, description: "Makes the command verbose"})

iex> DoIt.Output.format_argument_allowed_values(%DoIt.Argument{name: :number, type: :integer, description: "Numerical digit", allowed_values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]})
" (Allowed Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)"
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It returns the description from DoIt.Argument.


iex> DoIt.Output.format_argument_description(%DoIt.Argument{name: :verbose, type: :boolean, description: "Makes the command verbose"})
"Makes the command verbose"
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format_argument_name(argument, align)

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It formats the given DoIt.Argument name attribute with spaces on the right, accordingly with the align parameter.


iex> DoIt.Output.format_argument_name(%DoIt.Argument{name: :verbose, type: :boolean, description: "Makes the command verbose"}, 15)
"verbose        "
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It formats the given DoIt.Option alias attribute.


iex> DoIt.Output.format_option_alias(%DoIt.Option{name: :help, type: :boolean, description: "Shows the help command", alias: nil})
"   "

iex> DoIt.Output.format_option_alias(%DoIt.Option{name: :help, type: :boolean, description: "Shows the help command", alias: :h})
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It returns the allowed values from the given DoIt.Option.


iex> DoIt.Output.format_option_allowed_values(%DoIt.Option{name: :op, type: :string, description: "Operation", allowed_values: ["+", "-", "*", "/"]})
" (Allowed Values: \"+\", \"-\", \"*\", \"/\")"

iex> DoIt.Output.format_option_allowed_values(%DoIt.Option{name: :verbose, type: :boolean, description: "Makes the command verbose"})

iex> DoIt.Output.format_option_allowed_values(%DoIt.Option{name: :number, type: :integer, description: "Numerical digit", allowed_values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]})
" (Allowed Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)"
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It formats the given DoIt.Option default attribute.


iex> DoIt.Output.format_option_default(%DoIt.Option{name: :log_level, type: :string, description: "Set the logging level", alias: nil, default: "warn"})
" (Default: \"warn\")"

iex> DoIt.Output.format_option_default(%DoIt.Option{name: :skip_lines, type: :integer, description: "Lines to skip", alias: nil, default: 10})
" (Default: 10)"

iex> DoIt.Output.format_option_default(%DoIt.Option{name: :help, type: :boolean, description: "Shows the help command", alias: nil})
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It returns the description from DoIt.Option.


iex> DoIt.Output.format_option_description(%DoIt.Option{name: :help, type: :boolean, description: "Shows the help command", alias: nil})
"Shows the help command"
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format_option_name(option, align)

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It formats the given DoIt.Option name attribute with spaces on the right, accordingly with the align parameter.


iex> DoIt.Output.format_option_name(%DoIt.Option{name: :help, type: :boolean, description: "Shows the help command", alias: nil}, 10)
"--help      "

iex> DoIt.Output.format_option_name(%DoIt.Option{name: :log_level, type: :string, description: "Set the logging level", alias: nil}, 12)
"--log-level   "

It gets the length of the longer name attribute.


iex> DoIt.Output.longer_name([%{name: "great"}, %{name: "greatest"}])

iex> DoIt.Output.longer_name([%{name: "Elixir"}, %{name: "Erlang"}, %{name: "DoIt"}, %{name: "OTP"}])