mix dockerize.init (dockerize v1.1.1)

Usage: mix dockerize.init --app my_app

Initialize Docker related files. When running in an Elixir project, it will read the current project structure, and generate some files under the working directory.

Supported arguments are:

  • --path - The path pointing to the project directory, e.g. /home/projects/my_proj. Default to empty string which means the current working directory.
  • --app - The name of the OTP application. The app name of the target Elixir project. If not specified, it will guess the app name according to the current working directly. For example, if you run the command under /home/my_user/project/my-app by default the app name will be my_app
  • --force Indicating if existing files will be overwritten. Default to false. If not specified, a question will prompt if there's any conflict.
  • --phoenix-assets or --no-phoenix-assets Indicating if phoenix assets should be compiled and digested during the docker build process. If not specified, it will guess by reading the project dependency settings inside the mix.exs file and set it to true when there's a dependency of :phoenix.
  • --elixir-version - The Elixir version to have in the Dockerfile. Default to 1.12 at this moment of writing this document.

Link to this section Summary


Initialize the docker file setup. See also the module doc.

Link to this section Functions

Initialize the docker file setup. See also the module doc.