View Source DomHelpers.Selectors (dom_helpers v0.3.1)

Collection of methods to simplify the creation of complex selectors.



Complements the selector by checking that the attribute is present.

Complements the selector by checking that the attribute has the given value.

Like with_attr/2 but several attributes can be passed at once.

Add the class selector to the given one.

Checks if the selector contains the given classes.

Adds the given id to the selector passed in.

Complements the selector by checking that it does not have the given attribute.

Complements the selector by checking that it does not have the given attribute with the given value. Check with_attr/3 for possible values.

Modifies the selector to check it does not have the given class.

Modifies the selector to check it does not contain the given classes.


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with_attr(selector, attr)

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Complements the selector by checking that the attribute is present.


iex> with_attr("input", "checked")
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with_attr(selector, attr, value)

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Complements the selector by checking that the attribute has the given value.

Value can either be a value or a tuple {matcher_name, value} where matcher_name can be one of:

  • :contains_word for ~=.
  • :contains for *=.
  • :equal for =.
  • :ends_with for $=.
  • :starts_with for ^=.
  • :subcode for |=.

For more information on these selectors, please check MDN.


iex> with_attr("input", "type", "text")

iex> with_attr("input", "class", {:contains_word, "hidden"})

iex> with_attr("input", "type", {:equal, "text"})

iex> with_attr("div", "data-test", {:ends_with, "editor"})

iex> with_attr("div", "data-test", {:starts_with, "editor"})

iex> with_attr("main", "lang", {:subcode, "es"})
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with_attrs(selector, attrs)

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Like with_attr/2 but several attributes can be passed at once.

Attributes can be passed as a map or keywords. In both cases, keys are the names of the attributes, while the keys can be:

  • true for just checking that the attribute is present.
  • false for checking that the attribute is not present.
  • Any other value would be passed directly as attribute value to with_attr/3. Check its documentation for all the options.


iex> with_attrs("input", type: "checkbox", checked: true)

iex> with_attrs("input", name: false, class: {:contains_word, "hola"}, "data-test": false)
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with_class(selector, class)

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Add the class selector to the given one.


iex> with_class("div", "hidden")

iex> with_class("span", "flex")
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with_classes(selector, classes)

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Checks if the selector contains the given classes.


iex> with_classes("div", ~w(flex mb-4))

iex> with_classes("span", ~w(p-1 m-2))

Adds the given id to the selector passed in.


iex> with_id("main", "main_content")

iex> with_id("div", "modal")
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without_attr(selector, attr)

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Complements the selector by checking that it does not have the given attribute.


iex> without_attr("input", "checked")
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without_attr(selector, attr, value)

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Complements the selector by checking that it does not have the given attribute with the given value. Check with_attr/3 for possible values.


iex> without_attr("input", "type", "text")

iex> without_attr("input", "class", {:contains_word, "hidden"})

iex> without_attr("input", "type", {:equal, "text"})

iex> without_attr("div", "data-test", {:ends_with, "editor"})

iex> without_attr("div", "data-test", {:starts_with, "editor"})

iex> without_attr("main", "lang", {:subcode, "es"})
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without_class(selector, class)

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Modifies the selector to check it does not have the given class.


iex> without_class("div", "hidden")
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without_classes(selector, classes)

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Modifies the selector to check it does not contain the given classes.


iex> without_classes("div", ~w(flex mb-4))