

pub opaque type DotEnv
pub type Opts {
    path: String,
    debug: Bool,
    capitalize: Bool,
    ignore_missing_file: Bool,


  • Opts(
      path: String,
      debug: Bool,
      capitalize: Bool,
      ignore_missing_file: Bool,

    Customized options for loading the .env file


    • path

      The path to the .env file relative to the project root eg. .env and src/.env are two different things, .env points to the root of the project, src/.env points to the src folder in the root of the project

    • debug

      Print debug information if something goes wrong

    • capitalize

      Force all keys to be uppercase

    • ignore_missing_file

      In case the file is missing, ignore the error and continue

  • Default

    Default options for loading the .env file - see default constant


pub const default: DotEnv


pub fn load(dotenv: DotEnv) -> Nil

Load the .env file using the current DotEnv instance and set the environment variables


import dot_env as dot

pub fn main() {
  |> dot.set_path("src/.env")
  |> dot.set_debug(False)
  |> dot.load
pub fn load_default() -> Nil

Load the .env file at the default path (.env) and set the environment variables

Debug information will be printed to the console if something goes wrong and all keys will be capitalized


import dot_env

pub fn main() {
pub fn load_with_opts(opts: Opts) -> Nil

Load the .env file at the specified path and set the environment variables

Debug information and key capitalization can be customized


import dot_env

pub fn main() {
  dot_env.load_with_opts(dot_env.Opts(path: "src/.env", debug: False, capitalize: False))
pub fn new() -> DotEnv

Create a default DotEnv instance. This is designed to use used as the starting point for using any of the builder methods

pub fn new_with_path(path: String) -> DotEnv

Create a new DotEnv instance with the specified path

pub fn path(instance: DotEnv) -> String

Get the path to the .env file in the current DotEnv instance

pub fn set_capitalize(
  instance: DotEnv,
  capitalize: Bool,
) -> DotEnv

Set whether to capitalize all keys in the current DotEnv instance

pub fn set_debug(instance: DotEnv, debug: Bool) -> DotEnv

Set whether to print debug information in the current DotEnv instance

pub fn set_ignore_missing_file(
  instance: DotEnv,
  ignore_missing_file: Bool,
) -> DotEnv

Set whether to ignore missing file errors in the current DotEnv instance

pub fn set_path(instance: DotEnv, path: String) -> DotEnv

Set the path to the .env file in the current DotEnv instance

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