
The dotenv_conf is made to support both configurations via environment variables (via envoy) and .env files.

.env files are read using read_file, then passed to the specific read_ functions, to avoid reading the file multiple times.


EnvFile represents the environment file result.
When the file is read correctly, it contains Ok(Dict(String, String)) with all the parsed values. If an error occurs, it contains Error(EnvFileError).

pub type EnvFile =
  Result(Dict(String, String), EnvFileError)

EnvFileError is an enumeration of the possible errors when dealing with the .env file.

  • MissingFile: the file is not found at the provided path.
  • InvalidFile: the file is not correct (likely is a directory or special).
  • FileError: an error occured when reading the file.
  • BadConfig: the format of the file is not correct.
  • MissingVar: the config variable does not exist.
pub type EnvFileError {


  • MissingFile
  • InvalidFile
  • FileError
  • BadConfig
  • MissingVar


pub fn read_file(
  path: String,
  then: fn(Result(Dict(String, String), EnvFileError)) -> a,
) -> a

Reads the .env file at the given path. It is meant to be used as a use expression.


use file <- read_file(".env")
let username = read_string_or("USER", file, "admin")
pub fn read_float_or(
  name: String,
  from_file: Result(Dict(String, String), EnvFileError),
  default: Float,
) -> Float

Reads the config float with the given name, first from the environment variables and, if not found, from the EnvFile read using read_file. If neither works, the given default value is used.

pub fn read_int_or(
  name: String,
  from_file: Result(Dict(String, String), EnvFileError),
  default: Int,
) -> Int

Reads the config integer with the given name, first from the environment variables and, if not found, from the EnvFile read using read_file. If neither works, the given default value is used.

pub fn read_string(
  name: String,
  from_file: Result(Dict(String, String), EnvFileError),
) -> Result(String, EnvFileError)

Reads the config string with the given name. If it is not found in the environment variables, the EnvFile read using read_file is used. If there was an error reading the file or the key is not found in the file either, an Error(EnvFileError) is returned.

This function can be used to implement custom config types, otherwise read_<type>_or is preferrable.

pub fn read_string_or(
  name: String,
  from_file: Result(Dict(String, String), EnvFileError),
  default: String,
) -> String

Reads the config string with the given name, first from the environment variables and, if not found, from the EnvFile read using read_file. If neither works, the given default value is used.

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