View Source Dotenvy behaviour (Dotenvy v0.8.0)

Dotenvy is an Elixir port of the original dotenv Ruby gem.

It is designed to help applications follow the principles of the 12-factor app and its recommendation to store configuration in the environment.

Unlike other configuration helpers, Dotenvy enforces no convention for the naming of your files: .env is a common choice, you may name your configuration files whatever you wish.

See the strategies for examples of various use cases.

Link to this section Summary


An input source may be either a path to an env file or a map with string keys, e.g. "envs/.env" or %{"FOO" => "bar"}. This allows users to specify a list of env files interspersed with other values from other sources, e.g. System.get_env() or values fetched from a secure parameter store.


A parser implementation should receive the contents read from a file, a map of vars (with string keys, as would come from System.get_env/0), and a keyword list of opts.


Reads the given env variable and converts its value to the given type.

Reads an env variable and converts its output or returns a default value.

Like its Bash namesake command, source/2 accumulates values from the given input(s). The accumulated values are stored via a side effect function to make them available to the env!/2 and env!/3 functions.

As source/2, but returns a map on success or raises on error.

Link to this section Types

@type input_source() :: String.t() | %{optional(String.t()) => String.t()}

An input source may be either a path to an env file or a map with string keys, e.g. "envs/.env" or %{"FOO" => "bar"}. This allows users to specify a list of env files interspersed with other values from other sources, e.g. System.get_env() or values fetched from a secure parameter store.

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback

parse(contents, vars, opts)

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@callback parse(contents :: binary(), vars :: map(), opts :: keyword()) ::
  {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

A parser implementation should receive the contents read from a file, a map of vars (with string keys, as would come from System.get_env/0), and a keyword list of opts.

This callback is provided to help facilitate testing. See Dotenvy.Parser for the default implementation.

Link to this section Functions

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env(variable, type \\ :string, default \\ nil)

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This function is deprecated. Use `Dotenvy.env!/3` instead.
@spec env(variable :: binary(), type :: atom(), default :: any()) ::
  any() | no_return()
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env!(variable, type \\ :string)

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@spec env!(variable :: binary(), type :: Dotenvy.Transformer.conversion_type()) ::
  any() | no_return()

Reads the given env variable and converts its value to the given type.

This function attempts to read a value from a local data store of sourced values; it will fall back to System.fetch_env/1 when no locally stored variable is available.

This function may raise an error because type conversion is delegated to!/2 -- see its documentation for a list of supported types.



iex> env!("PORT", :integer)
iex> env!("ENABLED", :boolean)
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env!(variable, type, default)

View Source (since 0.3.0)
@spec env!(
  variable :: binary(),
  type :: Dotenvy.Transformer.conversion_type(),
  default :: any()
) :: any() | no_return()

Reads an env variable and converts its output or returns a default value.

Use env!/2 when possible

Use of env!/2 is recommended over env!/3 because it creates a stronger contract with the environment: your app literally will not start when required env variables are missing.

If the given variable is set, its value is converted to the given type. The provided default value is only used when the variable is not set; the default value is returned as-is, without conversion. This allows greater control of the output.

Conversion is delegated to!/2, which may raise an error. See its documentation for a list of supported types.

This function attempts to read a value from a local data store of sourced values; it will fall back to System.fetch_env/1 when no locally stored variable is available.



iex> env!("PORT", :integer, 5432)

iex> env!("NOT_SET", :boolean, %{not: "converted"})
%{not: "converted"}

iex> System.put_env("HOST", "")
iex> env!("HOST", :string!, "localhost")
** (RuntimeError) Error converting HOST to string!: non-empty value required
Link to this function

source(files, opts \\ [])

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@spec source(inputs :: input_source() | [input_source()], opts :: keyword()) ::
  {:ok, %{optional(String.t()) => String.t()}} | {:error, any()}

Like its Bash namesake command, source/2 accumulates values from the given input(s). The accumulated values are stored via a side effect function to make them available to the env!/2 and env!/3 functions.

Think of source/2 as a merging operation which can accept maps (like Map.merge/2) or paths to env files.

Inputs are processed from left to right so that values can be overridden by each subsequent input. As with Map.merge/2, the right-most input takes precedence.



  • :parser module that implements Dotenvy.parse/3 callback. Default: Dotenvy.Parser

  • :require_files specifies which of the given files (if any) must be present. When true, all the listed files must exist. When false, none of the listed files must exist. When some of the files are required and some are optional, provide a list specifying which files are required. If a file listed here is not included in the function's files argument, it is ignored. Default: false

  • :side_effect an arity 1 function called after the successful parsing inputs. The default is an internal function that stores the values inside a process dictionary so the values are available to the env!/2 and env!/3 functions. This option is overridable to facilitate testing. Changing it is not recommended.



The simplest implementation is to parse a single file by including its path:

iex> Dotenvy.source(".env")
{:ok, %{
  "TIMEOUT" => "5000",
  "DATABASE_URL" => "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/myapp",
  # ...etc...

More commonly, you will source multiple files (often based on the config_env()) and you will defer to pre-existing system variables. The most common pattern looks like this:

  iex> Dotenvy.source([

In the above example, the prod.env, dev.env, and test.env files would be version-controlled, but the *.override.env variants would be ignored, giving developers the ability to override values without needing to modify versioned files.

Give Precedence to System Envs!

Don't forget to include System.get_env() as the final input to source/2 so that system environment variables take precedence over values sourced from .env files.

When you run a shell command like ❯ LOG_LEVEL=debug mix run, your expectation is probably that the LOG_LEVEL variable would be set to debug, overriding whatever may have been defined in your sourced .env files. Similarly, you may export env vars in your Bash profile. System env vars are not granted precedence automatically: you must explicitly include System.get_env() as the final input to source/2.

If your env files are making use of variable substitution based on system env vars, e.g. ${PWD} (see the Dotenv File Format), then you would need to specify System.get_env() as the first argument to source/2.

For example, if your .env references the system HOME variable:

  # .env

then your source/2 command would need to make the system env vars available to the parser by including them as one of the inputs, e.g.

  iex> Dotenvy.source([System.get_env(), ".env"])

Including the System.get_env() before your files means that your files have final say over the values, potentially overriding any pre-existing system env vars. In some cases, you may wish to reference the system vars both before and after your own .env files, e.g.

  iex> Dotenvy.source([System.get_env(), ".env", System.get_env()])

or you may wish to cherry-pick which variables you need to make available for variable substitution:

  iex> Dotenvy.source([
    %{"HOME" => System.get_env("HOME")},

This syntax favors explicitness so there is no confusion over what might have been "automagically" accumulated.

Link to this function

source!(files, opts \\ [])

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@spec source!(files :: binary() | [binary()], opts :: keyword()) ::
  %{optional(String.t()) => String.t()} | no_return()

As source/2, but returns a map on success or raises on error.