drab v0.10.5 Drab.Coder View Source

Provides various encoders/decoders to store values in the string.


<% {:ok, encoded_value} = Drab.Coder.encode(%{question: "foo", answer: 42}) %>
<button  drab='click:check_answer("<%= encoded_value %>")'>Check answer</button>

defhandler check_answer(socket, sender, value) do
  {:ok, decoded_value} = Drab.Coder.decode(value)

  question = decoded_value[:question]
  answer = decoded_value[:answer]

The default encoder is Drab.Coder.Cipher, which encrypts any value and returns the base-64 encoded string. You may change the default encoder with:

config :drab, default_encoder: Drab.Coder.String

Each encoder has two pairs of functions:

The result of encode functions is always a string. The argument might be restricted to string (Drab.Coder.URL, Drab.Coder.Base64). Other encoders takes any valid term as an argument.

The argument of decode functions is always a string.

Available encoders:

  • Drab.Coder.URL - urlencode, encodes only string
  • Drab.Coder.Base64 - simple base-64, encodes string only (no encryption)
  • Drab.Coder.String - encodes any term to string, not ciphered
  • Drab.Coder.Cipher - encodes any term to an encrypted string (default)

You may use the encoders individually, they expose the same API as Drab.Coder:

iex> {:ok, encoded} = Drab.Coder.String.encode(%{forty_two: 42})
iex> Drab.Coder.String.decode(encoded)
{:ok, %{forty_two: 42}}

It is used in the other part of the application, for example in Drab.Browser.set_cookie/3:

set_cookie(socket, "my_cookie", "42", encode: true) # use default encoder
set_cookie(socket, "my_cookie", "result: 42", encode: Drab.Coder.URL)

Link to this section Summary


Bang version of decode/1

Decodes the string, returning the encoded value (any term)

Bang version of encode/1

Encodes term to the string

Link to this section Types

Link to this type return() View Source
return() :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function decode!(string) View Source
decode!(String.t()) :: term()

Bang version of decode/1.

Returns the term.

iex> encoded = Drab.Coder.encode!(%{forty_two: 42})
iex> Drab.Coder.decode!(encoded)
%{forty_two: 42}

Decodes the string, returning the encoded value (any term).


  • {:ok, term}
  • {:error, reason}


iex> {:ok, encoded} = Drab.Coder.encode(%{forty_two: 42})
iex> Drab.Coder.decode(encoded)
{:ok, %{forty_two: 42}}

Bang version of encode/1.

Returns string.

iex> encoded = Drab.Coder.encode!(%{forty_two: 42})
iex> is_binary(encoded)

Encodes term to the string.


  • {:ok, string}
  • {:error, reason}


iex> {:ok, encoded} = Drab.Coder.encode(%{forty_two: 42})
iex> is_binary(encoded)