View Source Duckdbex.Config (Duckdbex v0.3.8)

DuckDB database instance configuration.




DuckDB database instance configuration type.


@type optimizer_type() ::
  | :expression_rewriter
  | :filter_pullup
  | :filter_pushdown
  | :cte_filter_pusher
  | :regex_range
  | :in_clause
  | :join_order
  | :deliminator
  | :unnest_rewriter
  | :unused_columns
  | :statistics_propagation
  | :common_subexpressions
  | :common_aggregate
  | :column_lifetime
  | :build_side_probe_side
  | :limit_pushdown
  | :top_n
  | :compressed_materialization
  | :duplicate_groups
  | :reorder_filter
  | :join_filter_pushdown
  | :extension
  | :materialized_cte
@type t() :: %Duckdbex.Config{
  abort_on_wal_failure: boolean(),
  access_mode: :automatic | :read_only | :read_write,
  allocator_background_threads: boolean(),
  allocator_bulk_deallocation_flush_threshold: pos_integer() | nil,
  allocator_flush_threshold: pos_integer() | nil,
  allow_community_extensions: boolean(),
  allow_extensions_metadata_mismatch: boolean(),
  allow_unredacted_secrets: boolean(),
  allow_unsigned_extensions: boolean(),
  arrow_arrow_lossless_conversion: boolean(),
  arrow_offset_size: :regular | :large,
  arrow_use_list_view: boolean(),
  autoinstall_extension_repo: binary() | nil,
  autoinstall_known_extensions: boolean(),
  autoload_known_extensions: boolean(),
  buffer_manager_track_eviction_timestamps: boolean(),
  catalog_error_max_schemas: pos_integer() | nil,
  checkpoint_on_shutdown: boolean(),
  checkpoint_wal_size: pos_integer() | nil,
  collation: binary() | nil,
  custom_extension_repo: binary() | nil,
  custom_user_agent: binary() | nil,
  default_block_alloc_size: pos_integer() | nil,
  default_null_order: :nulls_last | :nulls_first,
  default_order_type: :asc | :desc,
  disabled_optimizers: [optimizer_type()] | [] | nil,
  duckdb_api: binary() | nil,
  enable_external_access: boolean(),
  enable_fsst_vectors: boolean(),
  enable_macro_dependencies: boolean(),
  enable_view_dependencies: boolean(),
  extension_directory: binary() | nil,
  external_threads: pos_integer() | nil,
    :auto | :constant | :constant_delta | :delta_for | :for,
  force_checkpoint: boolean(),
    | :uncompressed
    | :constant
    | :rle
    | :dictionary
    | :pfor_delta
    | :bitpacking
    | :fsst
    | :chimp
    | :patas,
  http_metadata_cache_enable: boolean(),
  http_proxy: binary() | nil,
  http_proxy_password: binary() | nil,
  http_proxy_username: binary() | nil,
  immediate_transaction_mode: boolean(),
  index_scan_max_count: pos_integer() | nil,
  index_scan_percentage: number() | nil,
  load_extensions: boolean(),
  lock_configuration: boolean(),
  max_vacuum_tasks: pos_integer() | nil,
  maximum_memory: pos_integer() | nil,
  maximum_swap_space: pos_integer() | nil,
  maximum_threads: pos_integer() | nil,
  memory_allocator: :duckdb | :erlang,
  object_cache_enable: boolean(),
  preserve_insertion_order: boolean(),
  produce_arrow_string_views: boolean(),
  serialization_compatibility: binary() | nil,
  temporary_directory: binary() | nil,
  trim_free_blocks: boolean(),
  unrecognized_options: [{binary(), any()}],
  use_direct_io: boolean(),
  use_temporary_directory: boolean(),
  user_options: [{binary(), any()}]

DuckDB database instance configuration type.

:access_mode: Access mode of the database. Maybe :automatic, :read_only or :read_write. Default: :automatic.

:checkpoint_wal_size: Checkpoint when WAL reaches this size. Default: nil (16777216 ~16MB). In bytes.

:use_direct_io: Whether or not to use Direct IO, bypassing operating system buffers. Default: false.

:load_extensions: Whether extensions should be loaded on start-up. Default: true.

:autoload_known_extensions: Whether known extensions are allowed to be automatically loaded when a query depends on them. Default: false.

:autoinstall_known_extensions: Whether known extensions are allowed to be automatically installed when a query depends on them. , Default: false.

:custom_extension_repo: Override for the default extension repository. Default: 'nil'.

:autoinstall_extension_repo: Override for the default autoload extension repository. Default: 'nil'.

:maximum_memory: The maximum memory used by the database system (in bytes). Default: nil (80% of System available memory)

:maximum_swap_space: The maximum size of the 'temp_directory' folder when set (in bytes). Default: nil (90% of available disk space).

:maximum_threads: The maximum amount of native CPU threads used by the database system. Default: nil (all available).

:external_threads: The number of external threads that work on DuckDB tasks. Must be smaller or equal to maximum_threads. Default: 1.

:use_temporary_directory: Whether or not to create and use a temporary directory to store intermediates that do not fit in memory. Default: true

:temporary_directory: Directory to store temporary structures that do not fit in memory. Default: nil (current)

:trim_free_blocks: Whether or not to invoke filesystem trim on free blocks after checkpoint. This will reclaim space for sparse files, on platforms that support it. Default: false

:buffer_manager_track_eviction_timestamps: Record timestamps of buffer manager unpin() events. Usable by custom eviction policies. Default false.

:allow_unredacted_secrets: Whether or not to allow printing unredacted secrets. Default: false.

:collation: The collation type of the database. Default: nil

:default_order_type: The order type used when none is specified. Maybe :asc, :desc. Deafult: :asc.

:default_null_order: Null ordering used when none is specified. Maybe :nulls_first, :nulls_last. Default: :nulls_last.

:enable_external_access: Enable COPY and related commands. Default: true.

:object_cache_enable: Whether or not object cache is used. Default: false.

:http_metadata_cache_enable: Whether or not the global http metadata cache is used. Default: false.

:http_proxy: HTTP Proxy config as 'hostname:port'. Default: nil.

:http_proxy_username: HTTP Proxy username for basic auth. Default: nil.

:http_proxy_password: HTTP Proxy password for basic auth. Default: nil.

:force_checkpoint: Force checkpoint when CHECKPOINT is called or on shutdown, even if no changes have been made. Default: false.

:checkpoint_on_shutdown: Run a checkpoint on successful shutdown and delete the WAL, to leave only a single database file behind. Default: true.

:serialization_compatibility: Serialize the metadata on checkpoint with compatibility for a given DuckDB version. Default: nil (latest version of DuckDB).

:disabled_optimizers: The set(elixir list) of disabled optimizers. Default: nil.

:force_compression: Force a specific compression method to be used when checkpointing (if available). Maybe :auto, :uncompressed, :constant, :rle, :dictionary, :pfor_delta, :bitpacking, :fsst, :chimp, :patas. Default: :auto.

:force_bitpacking_mode: Force a specific bitpacking mode to be used when using the bitpacking compression method. Maybe :auto, :constant, :constant_delta, :delta_for, :for. Default: :auto.

:preserve_insertion_order: Whether or not preserving insertion order should be preserved. Default: true.

:arrow_offset_size: Whether Arrow Arrays use Large or Regular buffers. Default :regular.

:arrow_use_list_view: Whether LISTs should produce Arrow ListViews. Default: false.

:arrow_arrow_lossless_conversion: Whenever a DuckDB type does not have a clear native or canonical extension match in Arrow, export the types with a duckdb.type_name extension name. Default: false.

:produce_arrow_string_views: Whether when producing arrow objects we produce string_views or regular strings. Default: false.

:extension_directory: Directory to store extension binaries in. Default: nil.

:allow_unsigned_extensions: Whether unsigned extensions should be loaded. Default: false.

:allow_community_extensions: Whether community extensions should be loaded. Default: true.

:allow_extensions_metadata_mismatch: Whether extensions with missing metadata should be loaded. Default: false.

:enable_fsst_vectors: Enable emitting FSST Vectors. Default: false.

:enable_view_dependencies: Enable VIEWs to create dependencies. Default: false.

:enable_macro_dependencies: Enable macros to create dependencies. Default: false.

:user_options: Default: The set of user-provided options. nil.

:unrecognized_options: The set of unrecognized (other) options. Default: nil.

:immediate_transaction_mode: Start transactions immediately in all attached databases - instead of lazily when a database is referenced. Default: false.

:lock_configuration: Whether or not the configuration settings can be altered. Default: false.

:allocator_flush_threshold: The peak allocation threshold at which to flush the allocator after completing a task (1 << 27, ~128MB). In bytes. Default: nil (134217728 bytes);

:allocator_bulk_deallocation_flush_threshold: If bulk deallocation larger than this occurs, flush outstanding allocations (1 << 30, ~1GB). Default: nil (536870912 in bytes)

:allocator_background_threads: Whether the allocator background thread is enabled. Default: false.

:duckdb_api: DuckDB API surface. Default: nil.

:custom_user_agent: Metadata from DuckDB callers. Default: nil.

:default_block_alloc_size: The default block allocation size for new duckdb database files (new as-in, they do not yet exist). In bytes. Default: nil (DUCKDB_BLOCK_ALLOC_SIZE = 262144 ULL)

:abort_on_wal_failure: Whether or not to abort if a serialization exception is thrown during WAL playback (when reading truncated WAL). Default: false.

:index_scan_percentage: The index_scan_percentage sets a threshold for index scans. If fewer than MAX(index_scan_max_count, index_scan_percentage * total_row_count) rows match, we perform an index scan instead of a table scan. Default: nil (0.001).

:index_scan_max_count: The index_scan_max_count sets a threshold for index scans. If fewer than MAX(index_scan_max_count, index_scan_percentage * total_row_count) rows match, we perform an index scan instead of a table scan. Default: nil (STANDARD_VECTOR_SIZE = 2048).

:catalog_error_max_schemas: The maximum number of schemas we will look through for "did you mean..." style errors in the catalog. Default: nil (100).

:max_vacuum_tasks: The maximum amount of vacuum tasks to schedule during a checkpoint. Default: nil (100).

:memory_allocator: The memory allocator used by the database system. Maybe :duckdb - native DuckDB allocator or :erlang - erlang 'void *enif_alloc(size_t size)' allocator. Default: :duckdb.