View Source Conditions
We've already seen some conditions nested using maps.
Using maps is the go-to way of writing conditions. If you're unsure
about how to define a condition, use a Map
When using a Map
with multiple elements in a condition, all of its
elements must match for the whole condition to match. This is
similar to pattern-matching in Elixir code.
Say we want a Todo.List
to only be archivable?
if it's not
archived yet and all of its tasks are completed.
defmodule Todo.List do
use Ecto.Schema
use Dx.Ecto.Schema, repo: Todo.Repo
schema "lists" do
field :archived_at, :utc_datetime
belongs_to :created_by, Todo.User
infer archived?: false, when: %{archived_at: nil}
infer archived?: true
infer archivable?: true,
when: %{
archived?: false,
tasks: {:all?, %{completed?: true}}
infer archivable?: false
A logical "or" is expressed by an Elixir List
. This is the first
major difference to pattern-matching. It might not feel intuitive
at first, but gets familiar fast and becomes very useful once you
got used to it.
Say we want a Todo.List
to be archivable?
if its :state
defined in the previous chapter is either :completed
or :ready
defmodule Todo.List do
# ...
infer state: :archived, when: %{archived?: true}
infer state: :completed, when: %{tasks: {:all?, %{completed?: true}}}
infer state: :in_progress, when: %{tasks: %{completed?: true}}
infer state: :ready, when: %{tasks: %{}}
infer state: :empty
infer archivable?: true, when: %{state: [:completed, :ready]}
infer archivable?: false
This is also a good example for defining predicates based on other predicates if they reflect how you actually think about them. Dx will find an efficient way to evaluate them.
Negations can be expressed by wrapping a condition in a :not
Another way of expressing the archived?
predicate from the first
guide would thus be:
defmodule Todo.List do
# ...
infer archived?: true, when: %{archived_at: {:not, nil}}
infer archived?: false
# previously:
# infer archived?: false, when: %{archived_at: nil}
# infer archived?: true