View Source DynamicSupervisor.Proxy (DynamicSupervisor Proxy v0.1.54)

Starts a module-based dynamic supervisor process with a registered name. Will wait a bit if the supervisor name is still registered on restarts. See Supervisor restart backoff.



Uses DynamicSupervisor. Also either aliases DynamicSupervisor.Proxy (this module) and requires the alias or imports DynamicSupervisor.Proxy. Finally it will inject the default implementation of the DynamicSupervisor.init/1 callback.

Starts a module-based dynamic supervisor process with the given module and init_arg. The :name option must be given in order to register a supervisor name. Will wait a bit if the supervisor name is still registered on restarts. See Supervisor restart backoff.


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Uses DynamicSupervisor. Also either aliases DynamicSupervisor.Proxy (this module) and requires the alias or imports DynamicSupervisor.Proxy. Finally it will inject the default implementation of the DynamicSupervisor.init/1 callback.


use DynamicSupervisor.Proxy, alias: Proxy

use DynamicSupervisor.Proxy
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start_link(module, init_arg, opts)

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Starts a module-based dynamic supervisor process with the given module and init_arg. The :name option must be given in order to register a supervisor name. Will wait a bit if the supervisor name is still registered on restarts. See Supervisor restart backoff.

To start the supervisor, the DynamicSupervisor.init/1 callback will be invoked in the given module, with init_arg as its argument. The DynamicSupervisor.init/1 callback must return a supervisor specification which can be created with the help of the DynamicSupervisor.init/1 function.


use DynamicSupervisor.Proxy

@spec start_link :: Supervisor.on_start()
def start_link, do: start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, name: __MODULE__)

@spec init(term) :: {:ok, DynamicSupervisor.sup_flags()} | :ignore
def init(:ok), do: DynamicSupervisor.init(strategy: :one_for_one)