Ecto v2.0.6 Ecto.DateTime

An Ecto type that includes a date and a time.



Casts the given value to datetime

Same as cast/1 but raises Ecto.CastError on invalid datetimes

Compare two datetimes

Converts an Ecto.DateTime into a {date, time} tuple

Converts the given Ecto.Date into Ecto.DateTime with the time being 00:00:00

Returns an Ecto.DateTime from an Erlang datetime tuple

Converts a {date, time} tuple into an Ecto.DateTime

Returns an Erlang datetime tuple from an Ecto.DateTime

Converts Ecto.DateTime to its ISO 8601 representation without timezone specification

Converts Ecto.DateTime to its string representation

The Ecto primitive type



Casts the given value to datetime.

It supports:

  • a binary in the “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” format (may be separated by T and/or followed by “Z”, as in 2014-04-17T14:00:00Z)
  • a binary in the “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.USEC” format (may be separated by T and/or followed by “Z”, as in 2014-04-17T14:00:00.030Z)
  • a map with "year", "month","day", "hour", "minute" keys with "second" and "microsecond" as optional keys and values are integers or binaries
  • a map with :year, :month,:day, :hour, :minute keys with :second and :microsecond as optional keys and values are integers or binaries
  • a tuple with {{year, month, day}, {hour, min, sec}} as integers or binaries
  • a tuple with {{year, month, day}, {hour, min, sec, usec}} as integers or binaries
  • an Ecto.DateTime struct itself

Same as cast/1 but raises Ecto.CastError on invalid datetimes.

compare(t1, t2)

Compare two datetimes.

Receives two datetimes and compares the t1 against t2 and returns :lt, :eq or :gt.


Converts an Ecto.DateTime into a {date, time} tuple.


Converts the given Ecto.Date into Ecto.DateTime with the time being 00:00:00.

from_date_and_time(date, time)

Converts the given Ecto.Date and Ecto.Time into Ecto.DateTime.


Returns an Ecto.DateTime from an Erlang datetime tuple.


Converts a {date, time} tuple into an Ecto.DateTime.


Converts Ecto.DateTime into an Ecto.Date.


Returns an Erlang datetime tuple from an Ecto.DateTime.


Converts Ecto.DateTime to its ISO 8601 representation without timezone specification.


Converts Ecto.DateTime to its string representation.


Converts Ecto.DateTime into an Ecto.Time.


The Ecto primitive type.

utc(precision \\ :sec)

Returns an Ecto.DateTime in UTC.

precision can be :sec or :usec.