Ecto v2.2.7 Ecto.LogEntry View Source
Struct used for logging entries.
It is composed of the following fields:
- query - the query as string or a function that when invoked resolves to string;
- source - the query data source;
- params - the query parameters;
- result - the query result as an
tuple; - query_time - the time spent executing the query in native units;
- decode_time - the time spent decoding the result in native units (it may be nil);
- queue_time - the time spent to check the connection out in native units (it may be nil);
- connection_pid - the connection process that executed the query;
- caller_pid - the application process that executed the query;
- ansi_color - the color that should be used when logging the entry.
Notice all times are stored in native unit. You must convert them to
the proper unit by using System.convert_time_unit/3
before logging.
Link to this section Summary
Logs the given entry in debug mode
Logs the given entry in the given level
Converts a log entry into iodata
Link to this section Types
Link to this type
View Source
t() :: %Ecto.LogEntry{ansi_color: IO.ANSI.ansicode() | nil, caller_pid: pid() | nil, connection_pid: pid() | nil, decode_time: integer() | nil, params: [term()], query: String.t() | (t() -> String.t()), query_time: integer(), queue_time: integer() | nil, result: {:ok, term()} | {:error, Exception.t()}, source: String.t() | Enum.t() | nil}
Link to this section Functions
Logs the given entry in debug mode.
The logger call will be removed at compile time if
is set to higher than debug.
Logs the given entry in the given level.
The logger call won’t be removed at compile time as custom level is given.
Converts a log entry into iodata.
The entry is automatically resolved if it hasn’t been yet.