View Source Ecto.Adapter.Transaction behaviour (Ecto v3.10.3)
Specifies the adapter transactions API.
Returns true if the given process is inside a transaction.
Rolls back the current transaction.
Runs the given function inside a transaction.
@type adapter_meta() :: Ecto.Adapter.adapter_meta()
@callback in_transaction?(adapter_meta()) :: boolean()
Returns true if the given process is inside a transaction.
@callback rollback(adapter_meta(), value :: any()) :: no_return()
Rolls back the current transaction.
The transaction will return the value given as {:error, value}
See Ecto.Repo.rollback/1
@callback transaction(adapter_meta(), options :: Keyword.t(), function :: (... -> any())) :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}
Runs the given function inside a transaction.
Returns {:ok, value}
if the transaction was successful where value
is the value return by the function or {:error, value}
if the transaction
was rolled back where value
is the value given to rollback/1