View Source Mix.Ecto (Ecto v3.12.4)

Conveniences for writing Ecto related Mix tasks.



Returns true if module implements behaviour.

Ensures the given module is an Ecto.Repo.

Gets a path relative to the application path.

Asks if the user wants to open a file based on ECTO_EDITOR.

Parses the repository option from the given command line args list.


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ensure_implements(module, behaviour, message)

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Returns true if module implements behaviour.

@spec ensure_repo(module(), list()) :: Ecto.Repo.t()

Ensures the given module is an Ecto.Repo.

Gets a path relative to the application path.

Raises on umbrella application.

@spec open?(binary(), non_neg_integer()) :: boolean()

Asks if the user wants to open a file based on ECTO_EDITOR.

By default, it attempts to open the file and line using the file:line notation. For example, if your editor is called subl, it will open the file as:

subl path/to/file:line

It is important that you choose an editor command that does not block nor that attempts to run an editor directly in the terminal. Command-line based editors likely need extra configuration so they open up the given file and line in a separate window.

Custom editors are supported by using the __FILE__ and __LINE__ notations, for example:

ECTO_EDITOR="my_editor +__LINE__ __FILE__"

and Elixir will properly interpolate values.

@spec parse_repo([term()]) :: [Ecto.Repo.t()]

Parses the repository option from the given command line args list.

If no repo option is given, it is retrieved from the application environment.