View Source Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse (Ecto ClickHouse v0.6.0)
Adapter module for ClickHouse.
It uses Ch
for communicating to the database.
All options can be given via the repository configuration:
config :your_app, YourApp.Repo,
- Server hostname (default:"localhost"
- Username:password
- User password:port
- HTTP Server port (default:8123
- HTTP scheme (default:"http"
- the database to connect to (default:"default"
- Keyword list of connection settings:transport_opts
- Options to be given to the transport being used. SeeMint.HTTP1.connect/4
for more info
Converts the given query to SQL according to its kind and inlines all parameters. Useful for debugging.
@spec to_inline_sql(:all | :delete_all | :update_all, Ecto.Queryable.t()) :: String.t()
Converts the given query to SQL according to its kind and inlines all parameters. Useful for debugging.
iex> query = from n in fragment("numbers(10)"), where: n.number == ^-1, select: n.number
iex> Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse.to_inline_sql(:all, query)
~s{SELECT f0."number" FROM numbers(10) AS f0 WHERE (f0."number" = -1)}
Compare it with the output of to_sql/2
iex> query = from n in fragment("numbers(10)"), where: n.number == ^-1, select: n.number
iex> Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse.to_sql(:all, query)
{~s[SELECT f0."number" FROM numbers(10) AS f0 WHERE (f0."number" = {$0:Int64})], [-1]}