View Source Ecto.ERD.Node (Ecto ERD v0.6.2)

Node struct

  • If source is nil, then schema_module cannot be nil and node describes embedded schema.
  • If source is not nil and schema_module is not nil, then node describes regular schema.
  • If schema_module is nil, then source cannot be nil and node describes a source (table) which was automatically inferred from many-to-many relations.
  • If cluster is nil, then the node will be rendered outside any cluster..



Set a cluster for a given node.


@type t() :: %Ecto.ERD.Node{
  cluster: nil | String.t(),
  fields: [Ecto.ERD.Field.t()],
  schema_module: nil | module(),
  source: nil | String.t()


Link to this function

set_cluster(node, cluster)

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@spec set_cluster(t(), nil | String.t()) :: t()

Set a cluster for a given node.

Cluster is a group of nodes which are displayed together.