View Source EctoFactory (EctoFactory v0.3.1)

EctoFactory is a super easy way to generate fake data for an Ecto Schema. It requires zero setup and generates random data based on the fields you've defined.

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Create a map with randomly generated of the passed in Ecto schema. The keys of this map are Strings

Create a map with randomly generated of the passed in Ecto schema. The keys of this map are atoms

Generate a random value. gen/1 will return a value of the atom or tuple to pass it.

Create a struct of the passed in factory

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attrs(factory_name, attrs \\ [])

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@spec attrs(atom() | Ecto.Schema, keyword() | map()) :: map()

Create a map with randomly generated of the passed in Ecto schema. The keys of this map are Strings

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build(factory_name, attrs \\ [])

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@spec build(atom() | Ecto.Schema, keyword() | map()) :: map()

Create a map with randomly generated of the passed in Ecto schema. The keys of this map are atoms

@spec gen(atom() | tuple()) ::
  | binary()
  | float()
  | boolean()
  | list()
  | Time
  | NaiveDateTime
  | Date
  | DateTime

Generate a random value. gen/1 will return a value of the atom or tuple to pass it.

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schema(factory_name, attrs \\ [])

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@spec schema(atom() | Ecto.Schema, keyword() | map()) :: Ecto.Schema

Create a struct of the passed in factory

After configuring a factory

config :ecto_factory, factories: [
  user: User,

  user_with_default_username: { User,
    username: "mrmicahcooper"

You can build a struct with the attributes from your factory as defaults.


  age: 124309132# random number
  username: "mrmicahcooper"

And you can pass in your own attributes of course:

EctoFactory.schema(:user, age: 99, username: "hashrocket")

  age: 99,
  username: "hashrocket"