ecto_job v2.1.0 EctoJob.Config View Source

EctoJob Configuration struct.

Configuration may be provided directly to your JobQueue supervisor:

supervisor(MyApp.JobQueue, [[repo: MyApp.Repo, max_demand: 100, log_level: :debug]])

Or if the configuration should be environment-specific, use Mix config:

config :ecto_job,
  repo: MyApp.Repo,
  max_demand: 100,
  log_level: :debug

Otherwise default values will be used.

Configurable values:

  • repo: (Required) The Ecto.Repo module in your application to use for accessing the JobQueue
  • max_demand: (Default 100) The number of concurrent worker processes to use, see ConsumerSupervisor for more details
  • log: (Default true) Enables logging using the standard Elixir Logger module
  • log_level: (Default :info) The level used to log messages, see Logger
  • poll_interval: (Default 60_000) Time in milliseconds between polling the JobQueue for scheduled jobs or jobs due to be retried
  • reservation_timeout: (Default 60_000) Time in ms during which a RESERVED job state is held while waiting for a worker to start the job. Subsequent polls will return the job to the AVAILABLE state for retry.
  • execution_timeout: (Default 300_000) Time in ms that a worker is allotted to hold a job in the IN_PROGRESS state before subsequent polls return a job to the AVAILABLE state for retry. The timeout is extended by execution_timeout for every retry attempt until max_attemps is reached for a given job.
  • notifications_listen_timeout: (Default 5_000) Time in milliseconds that Notifications.listen!/3 is alloted to start listening to notifications from postgrex for new jobs

Link to this section Summary


Constructs a new Config from params, falling back to Application environment then to default values

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t() View Source
t() :: %EctoJob.Config{
  execution_timeout: term(),
  log: term(),
  log_level: term(),
  max_demand: term(),
  notifications_listen_timeout: term(),
  poll_interval: term(),
  repo: term(),
  reservation_timeout: term(),
  schema: term()

Link to this section Functions

Constructs a new Config from params, falling back to Application environment then to default values.


iex> MyApp.Repo, log: false)
  repo: MyApp.Repo,
  max_demand: 100,
  log: false,
  log_level: :info,
  poll_interval: 60_000,
  reservation_timeout: 60_000,
  execution_timeout: 300_000,
  notifications_listen_timeout: 5_000