View Source EctoRange.Timestamp (ecto_range v0.2.1)

A custom type for working with the Postgres tsrange type.

iex> range = {~N[2020-10-31 09:30:00], ~N[2020-11-02 10:00:00]}
iex> cs = TestApp.Table.changeset(%TestApp.Table{name: "EctoRange.Timestamp"}, %{tsrange: range})
iex> cs.changes
%{tsrange: %Postgrex.Range{lower: ~N[2020-10-31 09:30:00], upper: ~N[2020-11-02 10:00:00], lower_inclusive: true, upper_inclusive: true}}

tsrange in Postgres is a continuous range, and does not have any equivalent Elixir struct.



EctoRange.Timestamp provides a couple of conveniences when casting data. All valid data will be cast into a Postgrex.Range.t/0 struct. When supplied to an Ecto.Changeset, the following types are valid

  • {t:timestamp() | t:String.t/0, t:timestamp() | t:String.t/0} can be used to express unbounded ranges, where nil represents an unbounded endpoint

  • Postgrex.Range.t/0 will be treated as a valid range representation



All data loaded from the database will be normalized into an inclusive range to align with the semantics of Date.Range.t()

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Callback implementation for Ecto.Type.embed_as/1.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Type.equal?/2.

Converts a Postgrex.Range.t() into a normalized form. For bounded ranges, it will make the lower and upper bounds inclusive to align with the semantics of Date.Range.t()

Converts valid NaiveDateTime.t() tuples into a Postgrex.Range.t()

Link to this section Types

@type timestamp() :: nil | NaiveDateTime.t()

Link to this section Functions

Callback implementation for Ecto.Type.embed_as/1.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Type.equal?/2.

Converts a Postgrex.Range.t() into a normalized form. For bounded ranges, it will make the lower and upper bounds inclusive to align with the semantics of Date.Range.t()

iex> range = %Postgrex.Range{lower: ~D[1989-09-22], upper: ~D[2021-03-02], lower_inclusive: true, upper_inclusive: false}
iex> EctoRange.Date.normalize_range(range)
%Postgrex.Range{lower: ~D[1989-09-22], upper: ~D[2021-03-01], lower_inclusive: true, upper_inclusive: true}

iex> range = %Postgrex.Range{lower: ~D[1989-09-21], upper: ~D[2021-03-01], lower_inclusive: false, upper_inclusive: true}
iex> EctoRange.Date.normalize_range(range)
%Postgrex.Range{lower: ~D[1989-09-22], upper: ~D[2021-03-01], lower_inclusive: true, upper_inclusive: true}
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@spec to_postgrex_range(Postgrex.Range.t() | {timestamp(), timestamp()}) ::

Converts valid NaiveDateTime.t() tuples into a Postgrex.Range.t()

iex> EctoRange.Date.to_postgrex_range({~N[2021-03-01 08:30:00], ~N[2023-03-30 10:30:00]})
%Postgrex.Range{lower: ~N[2021-03-01 08:30:00], upper: ~N[2023-03-30 10:30:00], lower_inclusive: true, upper_inclusive: true}