Ecto.Adapter.Structure behaviour (Ecto SQL v3.5.3) View Source
Specifies the adapter structure (dump/load) API.
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structure_dump(default :: String.t(), config :: Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, term()}
Dumps the given structure.
The path will be looked in the config
under :dump_path or
default to the structure path inside default
Returns :ok
if it was dumped successfully, an error tuple otherwise.
structure_dump("priv/repo", username: "postgres",
database: "ecto_test",
hostname: "localhost")
structure_load(default :: String.t(), config :: Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, term()}
Loads the given structure.
The path will be looked in the config
under :dump_path or
default to the structure path inside default
Returns :ok
if it was loaded successfully, an error tuple otherwise.
structure_load("priv/repo", username: "postgres",
database: "ecto_test",
hostname: "localhost")