API Reference Ecto SQL v3.5.3


Specifies the adapter migrations API.

Specifies the adapter structure (dump/load) API.

Adapter module for MySQL.

Adapter module for PostgreSQL.

This application provides functionality for working with SQL databases in Ecto.

Specifies the behaviour to be implemented by all SQL connections.

A pool for concurrent transactional tests.

Adapter module for MSSQL Server using the TDS protocol.

Migrations are used to modify your database schema over time.

Used internally by adapters.

Used internally by adapters.

Used internally by adapters.

Used internally by adapters.

Used internally by adapters.

Lower level API for managing migrations.

An TDS adapter type for UUIDs strings.

An Tds adatper Ecto Type that wrapps erlang string into tuple so TDS driver can understand if erlang string should be encoded as NVarChar or Varchar.

Mix Tasks

Dumps the current environment's database structure for the given repository into a structure file.

Generates a migration.

Loads the current environment's database structure for the given repository from a previously dumped structure file.

Runs the pending migrations for the given repository.

Displays the up / down migration status for the given repository.

Reverts applied migrations in the given repository.