View Source Edeliver (edeliver v1.9.2)

Execute edeliver tasks on the production / staging nodes.

This internal module provides functions on the nodes which are used by some edeliver tasks e.g. to get the running release version (edeliver version), show the pending migrations (edeliver show migrations) or install pending migrations (edeliver migrate).

In addition it represents the edeliver application callback module and starts a process registered locally as Edeliver which's onliest purpose is to be able to detect whether the release was successfully started. This requires to start edeliver as last application in the release.

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Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Callback implementation for GenServer.init/1.

Returns the current directory containing the ecto migrations.

Waits until the edeliver application is started.

Runs the edeliver command on the erlang node

Starts the edeliver application

Starts this gen-server registered locally as Edeliver

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Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

Callback implementation for GenServer.init/1.

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list_pending_migrations(application_name, application_version, ecto_repository \\ [])

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Prints the pending ecto migrations

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migrate(application_name, application_version, ecto_repository, direction, migration_version \\ :all)

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Runs the pending ecto migrations

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migrations_dir(application_name, application_version)

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Returns the current directory containing the ecto migrations.

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@spec monitor_startup_progress(application_name :: atom()) :: :ok

Waits until the edeliver application is started.

If the edeliver application is added as last application in the :applications section of the application/0 fun in the mix.exs this waits until all applications are started. This can be used as rpc call after running the asynchronous bin/$APP start command to wait until all applications started and then return ok.

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release_version(application_name, application_version \\ nil)

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@spec release_version(application_name :: atom(), application_version :: String.t()) ::

Returns the running release version

which is either the :current version or the :permanent version.

@spec run_command(args :: [term()]) :: no_return()

Runs the edeliver command on the erlang node

started as:

  bin/$APP rpc 'Elixir.Edeliver.run_command('[command_name, "$APP", arguments...])'

The first argument must be the name of the command, the second argument the name of the main application and all further arguments are passed to the function that's name is equal to the command name.

@spec start(term(), term()) :: {:ok, pid()}

Starts the edeliver application

including the Edeliver.Supervisor process supervising the Edeliver generic server.

@spec start_link() :: {:ok, pid()}

Starts this gen-server registered locally as Edeliver