View Source mix release.version (edeliver v1.9.2)

Displays the release version or modifies it before building the release.

This task can be used in conjunction with the release task to modify the version for the release / upgrade. The compiled files must be cleaned before and the release task must be executed after. Increasing version and appending metadata to the version can be combined, e.g:

mix do clean, release.version increment minor append-git-revision append-branch, release

To automatically append metadata, you can set the $AUTO_VERSION environment variable.


  • mix release.version show
  • mix do clean, release.version Append-Metadata... [Option], release
  • mix do clean, release.version increment [patch|minor|major] [version] [Append-Metadata...] [Option], release
  • mix do clean, release.version set <new-version> [Append-Metadata...] [Option], release



  • [append-][git-]revision Appends sha1 git revision of current HEAD
  • [append-][git-]branch[-unless-master] Appends the current branch that is built. If -unless-master is used, the branch is only appended unless it is the master branch.
  • [append-][build-]date Appends the build date as YYYYMMDD
  • [append-][build-]time Appends the build date as HHMMSS
  • [append-][git-]commit-count[-all[-branches]|-branch] Appends the number of commits
  • [append-]mix-env Appends the mix environment used while building the release from the current branch or across all branches (default). Appending the commit count from the current branch makes more sense, if the branch name is also appended as metadata to avoid conflicts from different branches.


Version Modification

  • show Displays the current release version.
  • increment Increments the release version for the current build
    • patch Increments the patch version (default). The last part of a tripartite version.
    • minor Increments the minor version. The middle part of a tripartite version.
    • major Increments the major version. The first part of a tripartite version.
  • set <new-version> Sets the release version for the current build



  • -V, --verbose Verbose output
  • -Q, --quiet Print only errors while modifying version
  • -D, --dry-run Print only new version without changing it


Environment Variables

  • AUTO_VERSION as long no arguments are passed directly which append metadata to the version (flags from the Append-Metadata section) the values from that env are used to append metadata.



MIX_ENV=prod mix do clean, release.version append-git-revision, release

Link to this section Summary


Gets the current branch that will be built. Since the git repository on the build host is usually in a detached state because a specific revision is checked out when building (see git_reset_remote() in libexec/common), this won't work

Gets the current number of commits across all branches

Gets the current number of commits in the current branch

Gets the current date in the form yyyymmdd

Gets the current revision of the git repository edeliver is used as deploy tool for. The sha1 hash containing 7 hexadecimal characters is returned.

Gets the current date in the form hhmmss

Gets the version which should be set as fixed version (instead of incrementing) from the args and returns the args without that value.

Modifies the current release version by applying the modification_funs which were collected while parsing the args. If there was an error parsing the arguments passed to this task, this function prints the error and exists the erlang vm, meaning aborting the mix task. If :show is returned from parsing the arguments, this function just prints the current release version.

Normalizes the arguments passed to this task. This is done by splitting arguments separated by a +, removing leading append- -git and -build strings and renaming commit-count to commit_count

Parses the arguments passed to this release.version task and merges them with the AUTO_VERSION environment variable. This arguments must not contain any output flags like -V or -Q.

Callback implementation for

Sorts the args in that way, that all args incrementing or setting the version come first
and all args appending metadata come last by not changing their particular order.

Link to this section Types

@type modification_arg() ::
  {modified_version :: String.t(), has_metadata :: boolean()}
@type modification_fun() :: (modification_arg() -> modification_arg())

Link to this section Functions

@spec get_branch() :: String.t()

Gets the current branch that will be built. Since the git repository on the build host is usually in a detached state because a specific revision is checked out when building (see git_reset_remote() in libexec/common), this won't work:

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD


git branch --contains <revision> could be used. But the commit/revision can still be in several branches, e.g. if one branch containing that commit was built before and that branch is later merged and built again. Then the old branch exists still on the build host and the commit exists in both branches. So whenever possible we will pass the branch which is built as BRANCH env, but as fallback we try to autodetect the branch which contains the current commit that is built.

@spec get_commit_count() :: String.t()

Gets the current number of commits across all branches

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@spec get_commit_count_branch() :: String.t()

Gets the current number of commits in the current branch

@spec get_date() :: String.t()

Gets the current date in the form yyyymmdd

@spec get_git_revision() :: String.t()

Gets the current revision of the git repository edeliver is used as deploy tool for. The sha1 hash containing 7 hexadecimal characters is returned.

@spec get_time() :: String.t()

Gets the current date in the form hhmmss

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get_version_to_set_from_args(args, remaining_args)

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@spec get_version_to_set_from_args(
  args :: OptionParser.argv(),
  remaining_args :: OptionParser.argv()
) ::
  {version_to_set :: String.t() | nil,
   args_without_version :: OptionParser.argv()}

Gets the version which should be set as fixed version (instead of incrementing) from the args and returns the args without that value.

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modify_version(arg1, version)

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@spec modify_version(
  {:modify, [modification_fun()]} | {:error, message :: String.t()} | :show,
  version :: String.t()
) :: :ok | :error | {:modified, new_version :: String.t()}

Modifies the current release version by applying the modification_funs which were collected while parsing the args. If there was an error parsing the arguments passed to this task, this function prints the error and exists the erlang vm, meaning aborting the mix task. If :show is returned from parsing the arguments, this function just prints the current release version.

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modify_version_set(arg, version_to_set)

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@spec normalize_args(OptionParser.argv()) :: OptionParser.argv()

Normalizes the arguments passed to this task. This is done by splitting arguments separated by a +, removing leading append- -git and -build strings and renaming commit-count to commit_count

@spec parse_args(OptionParser.argv()) ::
  :show | {:error, message :: String.t()} | {:modify, [modification_fun()]}

Parses the arguments passed to this release.version task and merges them with the AUTO_VERSION environment variable. This arguments must not contain any output flags like -V or -Q.

@spec run(OptionParser.argv()) :: :ok

Callback implementation for

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sort_args_append_metadata_last(args, increment_version_args, append_metadata_args)

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@spec sort_args_append_metadata_last(
  args :: OptionParser.argv(),
  increment_version_args :: OptionParser.argv(),
  append_metadata_args :: OptionParser.argv()
) :: args :: OptionParser.argv()
Sorts the args in that way, that all args incrementing or setting the version come first
and all args appending metadata come last by not changing their particular order.
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