ElasticsearchElixirBulkProcessor.Helpers.BulkResponse (Elasticsearch Elixir Bulk Processor v0.1.8)

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Given a list of items return true if all have an error.

Given a list of items from a bulk response and the data sent as a string payload return the items that match the error. Incoming data is split every second new line.

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Given a list of items return true if all have an error.


iex> items = [%{"index" => %{"error" => %{}}}, %{"update" => %{"error" => %{}}}, %{"create" => %{"error" => %{}}}, %{"delete" => %{"error" => %{}}}] ...> ElasticsearchElixirBulkProcessor.Helpers.BulkResponse.all_items_error?(items) true

iex> items = [%{"index" => %{}}, %{"update" => %{"error" => %{}}}, %{"create" => %{}}, %{"delete" => %{}}] ...> ElasticsearchElixirBulkProcessor.Helpers.BulkResponse.all_items_error?(items) false

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gather_error_items(items, data)

Given a list of items from a bulk response and the data sent as a string payload return the items that match the error. Incoming data is split every second new line.


iex> items = [%{"index" => %{}}, %{"update" => %{"error" => %{}}}, %{"create" => %{}}, %{"delete" => %{}}] ...> data = "meta\nitem\nmeta_with_errors\nitem_with_errors\nmeta\nitem\nmeta\nitem" ...> ElasticsearchElixirBulkProcessor.Helpers.BulkResponse.gather_error_items(items, data) "meta_with_errors\nitem_with_errors"

iex> items = [%{"index" => %{"error" => %{}}}, %{"update" => %{"error" => %{}}}, %{"create" => %{"error" => %{}}}, %{"delete" => %{"error" => %{}}}] ...> data = "meta\nitem1\nmeta\nitem2\nmeta\nitem3\nmeta\nitem4" ...> ElasticsearchElixirBulkProcessor.Helpers.BulkResponse.gather_error_items(items, data) "meta\nitem1\nmeta\nitem2\nmeta\nitem3\nmeta\nitem4"