Elixir v1.1.1 Task

Conveniences for spawning and awaiting for tasks.

Tasks are processes meant to execute one particular action throughout their life-cycle, often with little or no communication with other processes. The most common use case for tasks is to compute a value asynchronously:

task = Task.async(fn -> do_some_work() end)
res  = do_some_other_work()
res + Task.await(task)

Tasks spawned with async can be awaited on by its caller process (and only its caller) as shown in the example above. They are implemented by spawning a process that sends a message to the caller once the given computation is performed.

Besides async/1 and await/2, tasks can also be started as part of supervision trees and dynamically spawned in remote nodes. We will explore all three scenarios next.

async and await

The most common way to spawn a task is with Task.async/1. A new process will be created, linked and monitored by the caller. Once the task action finishes, a message will be sent to the caller with the result.

Task.await/2 is used to read the message sent by the task. await will check the monitor setup by the call to async/1 to verify if the process exited for any abnormal reason (or in case exits are being trapped by the caller).

There are two important things to consider when using async:

  1. If you are using async tasks, you must await for a reply as they are always sent. If you are not expecting a reply, consider using Task.start_link/1 detailed below

  2. async tasks link the caller and the spawned process. This means that, if the caller crashes, the task will crash too and vice-versa. This is on purpose, if the process meant to receive the result no longer exists, there is no purpose in computing the result until the end. If this is not desired, consider using Task.start_link/1 as well

Task.yield/2 is an alternative to await/2 where the caller will temporarily block waiting for a task’s result. If the result does not arrive within the timeout it can be called again at later moment. This allows checking for the result of a task multiple times or to handle a timeout. If a reply does not arrive within the desired time, and the caller is not going exit, Task.shutdown/2 can be used to stop the task.

Supervised tasks

It is also possible to spawn a task inside a supervision tree with start_link/1 and start_link/3:

Task.start_link(fn -> IO.puts "ok" end)

Such tasks can be mounted in your supervision tree as:

import Supervisor.Spec

children = [
  worker(Task, [fn -> IO.puts "ok" end])

Since these tasks are supervised and not directly linked to the caller, they cannot be awaited on. Note start_link/1, unlike async/1, returns {:ok, pid} (which is the result expected by supervision trees).

By default, most supervision strategies will try to restart a worker after it exits regardless of reason. If you design the task to terminate normally (as in the example with IO.puts/2 above), consider passing restart: :transient in the options to worker/3.

Dynamically supervised tasks

The Task.Supervisor module allows developers to dynamically create multiple supervised tasks.

A short example is:

{:ok, pid} = Task.Supervisor.start_link()
task = Task.Supervisor.async(pid, fn ->
  # Do something

However, in the majority of cases, you want to add the task supervisor to your supervision tree:

import Supervisor.Spec

children = [
  supervisor(Task.Supervisor, [[name: MyApp.TaskSupervisor]])

Now you can dynamically start supervised tasks:

Task.Supervisor.start_child(MyApp.TaskSupervisor, fn ->
  # Do something

Or even use the async/await pattern:

Task.Supervisor.async(MyApp.TaskSupervisor, fn ->
  # Do something
end) |> Task.await()

Finally, check Task.Supervisor for other operations supported by the Task supervisor.

Distributed tasks

Since Elixir provides a Task supervisor, it is easy to use a task supervisor to dynamically spawn tasks across nodes:

# In the remote node
Task.Supervisor.start_link(name: MyApp.DistSupervisor)

# In the client
Task.Supervisor.async({MyApp.DistSupervisor, :remote@local},
                      MyMod, :my_fun, [arg1, arg2, arg3])

Note that, when working with distributed tasks, one should use the async/4 function that expects explicit module, function and arguments, instead of async/2 that works with anonymous functions. That’s because anonymous functions expect the same module version to exist on all involved nodes. Check the Agent module documentation for more information on distributed processes as the limitations described in the agents documentation apply to the whole ecosystem.



The Task struct

Starts a task that can be awaited on

Starts a task that can be awaited on

Awaits a task reply

Receives a group of tasks and a message and finds a task that matches the given message

Unlinks and shutdowns the task, and then checks for a reply

Starts a task

Starts a task

Starts a task as part of a supervision tree

Starts a task as part of a supervision tree

Yields, temporarily, for a task reply


t :: %Task{pid: term, ref: term}



The Task struct.

It contains two fields:

  • :pid - the process reference of the task process; nil if the task does not use a task process.

  • :ref - the task monitor reference


async((... -> any)) :: t

Starts a task that can be awaited on.

This function spawns a process that is linked to and monitored by the caller process. A Task struct is returned containing the relevant information.

Read the Task module documentation for more info on general usage of async/1 and async/3.

Task’s message format

The reply sent by the task will be in the format {ref, msg}, where ref is the monitoring reference held by the task.

async(mod, fun, args)


async(module, atom, [term]) :: t

Starts a task that can be awaited on.

This function spawns a process that is linked to and monitored by the caller process. A Task struct is returned containing the relevant information.

Read the Task module documentation for more info on general usage of async/1 and async/3.

Task’s message format

The reply sent by the task will be in the format {ref, msg}, where ref is the monitoring reference held by the task.

await(task, timeout \\ 5000)


await(t, timeout) :: term | no_return

Awaits a task reply.

A timeout, in milliseconds, can be given with default value of 5000. In case the task process dies, this function will exit with the same reason as the task.

If the timeout is exceeded, await will exit, however, the task will continue to run. When the calling process exits, its exit signal will close the task if it is not trapping exits.

This function assumes the task’s monitor is still active or the monitor’s :DOWN message is in the message queue. If it has been demonitored, or the message already received, this function may wait for the duration of the timeout awaiting the message.

This function will always demonitor the task and so the task can not be used again. To await the task’s reply multiple times use yield/2 instead.

find(tasks, msg)


find([t], any) :: {term, t} | nil | no_return

Receives a group of tasks and a message and finds a task that matches the given message.

This function returns a tuple with the returned value in case the message matches a task that exited with success alongside the matching task. It raises in case the found task failed or nil if no task was found.

This function is useful in situations where multiple tasks are spawned and their results are collected later on. For example, a GenServer can spawn tasks, store the tasks in a list and later use Task.find/2 to see if incoming messages are from any of the tasks.


defmodule TaskFinder do
  def run do
    task1 = Task.async fn -> :timer.sleep(1000); 1 end
    task2 = Task.async fn -> :timer.sleep(5000); 2 end
    await [task1, task2]

  # Be careful, this will receive all messages sent
  # to this process. It will return the first task
  # reply and the list of tasks that came second.
  def await(tasks) do
    receive do
      message ->
        case Task.find(tasks, message) do
          {reply, task} ->
            {reply, List.delete(tasks, task)}
          nil ->

shutdown(task, shutdown \\ 5000)


shutdown(t, timeout | :brutal_kill) ::
  {:ok, term} |

Unlinks and shutdowns the task, and then checks for a reply.

Returns {:ok, reply} if the reply is received while shutting down the task, otherwise nil.

The shutdown method is either a timeout or :brutal_kill. In the case of a timeout, a :shutdown exit signal is sent to the task process and if it does not exit within the timeout it is killed. With :brutal_kill the task is killed straight away. In the case that the task exits abnormal, or a timeout shutdown kills the task, this function will exit with the same reason.

It is not required to call this function when terminating the caller, unless exiting with reason :normal or the task is trapping exits. If the caller is exiting with a reason other than :normal and the task is not trapping exits the caller’s exit signal will stop the task. The caller can exit with reason :shutdown to shutdown linked processes, such as tasks, that are not trapping exits without generating any log messages.

This function assumes the task’s monitor is still active or the monitor’s :DOWN message is in the message queue. If it has been demonitored, or the message already received, this function will block forever awaiting the message.



start((... -> any)) :: {:ok, pid}

Starts a task.

This is only used when the task is used for side-effects (i.e. no interest in its return result) and it should not be linked to the current process.

start(mod, fun, args)


start(module, atom, [term]) :: {:ok, pid}

Starts a task.

This is only used when the task is used for side-effects (i.e. no interest in its return result) and it should not be linked to the current process.



start_link((... -> any)) :: {:ok, pid}

Starts a task as part of a supervision tree.

start_link(mod, fun, args)


start_link(module, atom, [term]) :: {:ok, pid}

Starts a task as part of a supervision tree.

yield(task, timeout \\ 5000)


yield(t, timeout) :: {:ok, term} | nil

Yields, temporarily, for a task reply.

Returns {:ok, reply} if the reply is received.

A timeout, in milliseconds, can be given with default value of 5000. In case of the timeout, this function will return nil and the monitor will remain active. Therefore yield/2 can be called multiple times on the same task.

In case the task process dies, this function will exit with the same reason as the task.

This function assumes the task’s monitor is still active or the monitor’s :DOWN message is in the message queue. If it has been demonitored, or the message already received, this function wait for the duration of the timeout awaiting the message.