View Source Date (Elixir v1.10.3)

A Date struct and functions.

The Date struct contains the fields year, month, day and calendar. New dates can be built with the new/3 function or using the ~D (see Kernel.sigil_D/2) sigil:

iex> ~D[2000-01-01]

Both new/3 and sigil return a struct where the date fields can be accessed directly:

iex> date = ~D[2000-01-01]
iex> date.year
iex> date.month

The functions on this module work with the Date struct as well as any struct that contains the same fields as the Date struct, such as NaiveDateTime and DateTime. Such functions expect in their typespecs (instead of t/0).

Developers should avoid creating the Date structs directly and instead rely on the functions provided by this module as well as the ones in third-party calendar libraries.

Comparing dates

Comparisons in Elixir using ==/2, >/2, </2 and similar are structural and based on the Date struct fields. For proper comparison between dates, use the compare/2 function.

Using epochs

The add/2 and diff/2 functions can be used for computing dates or retrieving the number of days between instants. For example, if there is an interest in computing the number of days from the Unix epoch (1970-01-01):

iex> Date.diff(~D[2010-04-17], ~D[1970-01-01])

iex> Date.add(~D[1970-01-01], 14716)

Those functions are optimized to deal with common epochs, such as the Unix Epoch above or the Gregorian Epoch (0000-01-01).

Link to this section Summary


Adds the number of days to the given date.

Compares two date structs.

Converts the given date from its calendar to the given calendar.

Similar to Date.convert/2, but raises an ArgumentError if the conversion between the two calendars is not possible.

Calculates the day-of-era and era for a given calendar date.

Calculates the day of the week of a given date.

Calculates the day of the year of a given date.

Returns the number of days in the given date month.

Calculates the difference between two dates, in a full number of days.

Converts an Erlang date tuple to a Date struct.

Converts an Erlang date tuple but raises for invalid dates.

Parses the extended "Dates" format described by ISO 8601:2004.

Parses the extended "Dates" format described by ISO 8601:2004.

Returns true if the year in the given date is a leap year.

Returns the number of months in the given date year.

Calculates the quarter of the year of a given date.

Returns a range of dates.

Converts the given date to an Erlang date tuple.

Converts the given date to a string according to its calendar.

Returns the current date in UTC.

Calculates the year-of-era and era for a given calendar year.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Date{
  calendar: Calendar.calendar(),
  month: Calendar.month(),
  year: Calendar.year()

Link to this section Functions

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add(date, days)

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@spec add(, integer()) :: t()

Adds the number of days to the given date.

The days are counted as Gregorian days. The date is returned in the same calendar as it was given in.


iex> Date.add(~D[2000-01-03], -2)
iex> Date.add(~D[2000-01-01], 2)
iex> Date.add(~N[2000-01-01 09:00:00], 2)
iex> Date.add(~D[-0010-01-01], -2)
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compare(date1, date2)

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@spec compare(, :: :lt | :eq | :gt

Compares two date structs.

Returns :gt if first date is later than the second and :lt for vice versa. If the two dates are equal :eq is returned.


iex>[2016-04-16], ~D[2016-04-28])

This function can also be used to compare across more complex calendar types by considering only the date fields:

iex>[2016-04-16], ~N[2016-04-28 01:23:45])
iex>[2016-04-16], ~N[2016-04-16 01:23:45])
iex>[2016-04-16 12:34:56], ~N[2016-04-16 01:23:45])
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convert(date, calendar)

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@spec convert(, Calendar.calendar()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, :incompatible_calendars}

Converts the given date from its calendar to the given calendar.

Returns {:ok, date} if the calendars are compatible, or {:error, :incompatible_calendars} if they are not.

See also Calendar.compatible_calendars?/2.


Imagine someone implements Calendar.Holocene, a calendar based on the Gregorian calendar that adds exactly 10,000 years to the current Gregorian year:

iex> Date.convert(~D[2000-01-01], Calendar.Holocene)
{:ok, %Date{calendar: Calendar.Holocene, year: 12000, month: 1, day: 1}}
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convert!(date, calendar)

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@spec convert!(, Calendar.calendar()) :: t()

Similar to Date.convert/2, but raises an ArgumentError if the conversion between the two calendars is not possible.


Imagine someone implements Calendar.Holocene, a calendar based on the Gregorian calendar that adds exactly 10,000 years to the current Gregorian year:

iex> Date.convert!(~D[2000-01-01], Calendar.Holocene)
%Date{calendar: Calendar.Holocene, year: 12000, month: 1, day: 1}
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@spec day_of_era( :: {, non_neg_integer()}

Calculates the day-of-era and era for a given calendar date.

Returns a tuple {day, era} representing the day within the era and the era number.


iex> Date.day_of_era(~D[0001-01-01])
{1, 1}

iex> Date.day_of_era(~D[0000-12-31])
{1, 0}
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@spec day_of_week( ::

Calculates the day of the week of a given date.

Returns the day of the week as an integer. For the ISO 8601 calendar (the default), it is an integer from 1 to 7, where 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday.


iex> Date.day_of_week(~D[2016-10-31])
iex> Date.day_of_week(~D[2016-11-01])
iex> Date.day_of_week(~N[2016-11-01 01:23:45])
iex> Date.day_of_week(~D[-0015-10-30])
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@spec day_of_year( ::

Calculates the day of the year of a given date.

Returns the day of the year as an integer. For the ISO 8601 calendar (the default), it is an integer from 1 to 366.


iex> Date.day_of_year(~D[2016-01-01])
iex> Date.day_of_year(~D[2016-11-01])
iex> Date.day_of_year(~D[-0015-10-30])
iex> Date.day_of_year(~D[2004-12-31])
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@spec days_in_month( ::

Returns the number of days in the given date month.


iex> Date.days_in_month(~D[1900-01-13])
iex> Date.days_in_month(~D[1900-02-09])
iex> Date.days_in_month(~N[2000-02-20 01:23:45])
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diff(date1, date2)

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@spec diff(, :: integer()

Calculates the difference between two dates, in a full number of days.

It returns the number of Gregorian days between the dates. Only Date structs that follow the same or compatible calendars can be compared this way. If two calendars are not compatible, it will raise.


iex> Date.diff(~D[2000-01-03], ~D[2000-01-01])
iex> Date.diff(~D[2000-01-01], ~D[2000-01-03])
iex> Date.diff(~D[0000-01-02], ~D[-0001-12-30])
iex> Date.diff(~D[2000-01-01], ~N[2000-01-03 09:00:00])
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from_erl(tuple, calendar \\ Calendar.ISO)

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@spec from_erl(, Calendar.calendar()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, atom()}

Converts an Erlang date tuple to a Date struct.

Only supports converting dates which are in the ISO calendar, or other calendars in which the days also start at midnight. Attempting to convert dates from other calendars will return an error tuple.


iex> Date.from_erl({2000, 1, 1})
{:ok, ~D[2000-01-01]}
iex> Date.from_erl({2000, 13, 1})
{:error, :invalid_date}
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from_erl!(tuple, calendar \\ Calendar.ISO)

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@spec from_erl!(, Calendar.calendar()) :: t()

Converts an Erlang date tuple but raises for invalid dates.


iex> Date.from_erl!({2000, 1, 1})
iex> Date.from_erl!({2000, 13, 1})
** (ArgumentError) cannot convert {2000, 13, 1} to date, reason: :invalid_date
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from_iso8601(string, calendar \\ Calendar.ISO)

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@spec from_iso8601(String.t(), Calendar.calendar()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, atom()}

Parses the extended "Dates" format described by ISO 8601:2004.

The year parsed by this function is limited to four digits.


iex> Date.from_iso8601("2015-01-23")
{:ok, ~D[2015-01-23]}

iex> Date.from_iso8601("2015:01:23")
{:error, :invalid_format}

iex> Date.from_iso8601("2015-01-32")
{:error, :invalid_date}
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from_iso8601!(string, calendar \\ Calendar.ISO)

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@spec from_iso8601!(String.t(), Calendar.calendar()) :: t()

Parses the extended "Dates" format described by ISO 8601:2004.

Raises if the format is invalid.


iex> Date.from_iso8601!("2015-01-23")
iex> Date.from_iso8601!("2015:01:23")
** (ArgumentError) cannot parse "2015:01:23" as date, reason: :invalid_format
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@spec leap_year?( :: boolean()

Returns true if the year in the given date is a leap year.


iex> Date.leap_year?(~D[2000-01-01])
iex> Date.leap_year?(~D[2001-01-01])
iex> Date.leap_year?(~D[2004-01-01])
iex> Date.leap_year?(~D[1900-01-01])
iex> Date.leap_year?(~N[2004-01-01 01:23:45])
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@spec months_in_year( :: Calendar.month()

Returns the number of months in the given date year.


iex> Date.months_in_year(~D[1900-01-13])
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new(year, month, day, calendar \\ Calendar.ISO)

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@spec new(Calendar.year(), Calendar.month(),, Calendar.calendar()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, atom()}

Builds a new ISO date.

Expects all values to be integers. Returns {:ok, date} if each entry fits its appropriate range, returns {:error, reason} otherwise.


iex>, 1, 1)
{:ok, ~D[2000-01-01]}
iex>, 13, 1)
{:error, :invalid_date}
iex>, 2, 29)
{:ok, ~D[2000-02-29]}

iex>, 2, 30)
{:error, :invalid_date}
iex>, 2, 29)
{:error, :invalid_date}
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View Source (since 1.8.0)
@spec quarter_of_year( :: non_neg_integer()

Calculates the quarter of the year of a given date.

Returns the day of the year as an integer. For the ISO 8601 calendar (the default), it is an integer from 1 to 4.


iex> Date.quarter_of_year(~D[2016-10-31])
iex> Date.quarter_of_year(~D[2016-01-01])
iex> Date.quarter_of_year(~N[2016-04-01 01:23:45])
iex> Date.quarter_of_year(~D[-0015-09-30])
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range(first, last)

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@spec range(t(), t()) :: Date.Range.t()

Returns a range of dates.

A range of dates represents a discrete number of dates where the first and last values are dates with matching calendars.

Ranges of dates can be either increasing (first <= last) or decreasing (first > last). They are also always inclusive.


iex> Date.range(~D[1999-01-01], ~D[2000-01-01])
#DateRange<~D[1999-01-01], ~D[2000-01-01]>

A range of dates implements the Enumerable protocol, which means functions in the Enum module can be used to work with ranges:

iex> range = Date.range(~D[2001-01-01], ~D[2002-01-01])
iex> Enum.count(range)
iex> Enum.member?(range, ~D[2001-02-01])
iex> Enum.reduce(range, 0, fn _date, acc -> acc - 1 end)
@spec to_erl( ::

Converts the given date to an Erlang date tuple.

Only supports converting dates which are in the ISO calendar, or other calendars in which the days also start at midnight. Attempting to convert dates from other calendars will raise.


iex> Date.to_erl(~D[2000-01-01])
{2000, 1, 1}

iex> Date.to_erl(~N[2000-01-01 00:00:00])
{2000, 1, 1}
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to_iso8601(date, format \\ :extended)

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@spec to_iso8601(, :extended | :basic) :: String.t()

Converts the given date to ISO 8601:2004.

By default, Date.to_iso8601/2 returns dates formatted in the "extended" format, for human readability. It also supports the "basic" format through passing the :basic option.

Only supports converting dates which are in the ISO calendar, or other calendars in which the days also start at midnight. Attempting to convert dates from other calendars will raise an ArgumentError.


iex> Date.to_iso8601(~D[2000-02-28])

iex> Date.to_iso8601(~D[2000-02-28], :basic)

iex> Date.to_iso8601(~N[2000-02-28 00:00:00])
@spec to_string( :: String.t()

Converts the given date to a string according to its calendar.


iex> Date.to_string(~D[2000-02-28])
iex> Date.to_string(~N[2000-02-28 01:23:45])
iex> Date.to_string(~D[-0100-12-15])
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utc_today(calendar \\ Calendar.ISO)

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@spec utc_today(Calendar.calendar()) :: t()

Returns the current date in UTC.


iex> date = Date.utc_today()
iex> date.year >= 2016
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@spec year_of_era( :: {Calendar.year(), non_neg_integer()}

Calculates the year-of-era and era for a given calendar year.

Returns a tuple {year, era} representing the year within the era and the era number.


iex> Date.year_of_era(~D[0001-01-01])
{1, 1}
iex> Date.year_of_era(~D[0000-12-31])
{1, 0}
iex> Date.year_of_era(~D[-0001-01-01])
{2, 0}