View Source Process-related anti-patterns

This document outlines potential anti-patterns related to processes and process-based abstractions.

Code organization by process


This anti-pattern refers to code that is unnecessarily organized by processes. A process itself does not represent an anti-pattern, but it should only be used to model runtime properties (such as concurrency, access to shared resources, and event scheduling). When you use a process for code organization, it can create bottlenecks in the system.


An example of this anti-pattern, as shown below, is a module that implements arithmetic operations (like add and subtract) by means of a GenServer process. If the number of calls to this single process grows, this code organization can compromise the system performance, therefore becoming a bottleneck.

defmodule Calculator do
  @moduledoc """
  Calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations.

  This code is unnecessarily organized in a GenServer process.

  use GenServer

  def add(a, b, pid) do, {:add, a, b})

  def subtract(a, b, pid) do, {:subtract, a, b})

  @impl GenServer
  def init(init_arg) do
    {:ok, init_arg}

  @impl GenServer
  def handle_call({:add, a, b}, _from, state) do
    {:reply, a + b, state}

  def handle_call({:subtract, a, b}, _from, state) do
    {:reply, a - b, state}
iex> {:ok, pid} = GenServer.start_link(Calculator, :init)
{:ok, #PID<0.132.0>}
iex> Calculator.add(1, 5, pid)
iex> Calculator.subtract(2, 3, pid)


In Elixir, as shown next, code organization must be done only through modules and functions. Whenever possible, a library should not impose specific behavior (such as parallelization) on its users. It is better to delegate this behavioral decision to the developers of clients, thus increasing the potential for code reuse of a library.

defmodule Calculator do
  def add(a, b) do
    a + b

  def subtract(a, b) do
    a - b
iex> Calculator.add(1, 5)
iex> Calculator.subtract(2, 3)

Scattered process interfaces


In Elixir, the use of an Agent, a GenServer, or any other process abstraction is not an anti-pattern in itself. However, when the responsibility for direct interaction with a process is spread throughout the entire system, it can become problematic. This bad practice can increase the difficulty of code maintenance and make the code more prone to bugs.


The following code seeks to illustrate this anti-pattern. The responsibility for interacting directly with the Agent is spread across four different modules (A, B, C, and D).

defmodule A do
  def update(process) do
    # Some other code...
    Agent.update(process, fn _list -> 123 end)
defmodule B do
  def update(process) do
    # Some other code...
    Agent.update(process, fn content -> %{a: content} end)
defmodule C do
  def update(process) do
    # Some other code...
    Agent.update(process, fn content -> [:atom_value | content] end)
defmodule D do
  def get(process) do
    # Some other code...
    Agent.get(process, fn content -> content end)

This spreading of responsibility can generate duplicated code and make code maintenance more difficult. Also, due to the lack of control over the format of the shared data, complex composed data can be shared. This freedom to use any format of data is dangerous and can induce developers to introduce bugs.

# start an agent with initial state of an empty list
iex> {:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> [] end)
{:ok, #PID<0.135.0>}

# many data formats (for example, List, Map, Integer, Atom) are
# combined through direct access spread across the entire system
iex> A.update(agent)
iex> B.update(agent)
iex> C.update(agent)

# state of shared information
iex> D.get(agent)
[:atom_value, %{a: 123}]

For a GenServer and other behaviours, this anti-pattern will manifest when scattering calls to and GenServer.cast/2 throughout multiple modules, instead of encapsulating all the interaction with the GenServer in a single place.


Instead of spreading direct access to a process abstraction, such as Agent, over many places in the code, it is better to refactor this code by centralizing the responsibility for interacting with a process in a single module. This refactoring improves maintainability by removing duplicated code; it also allows you to limit the accepted format for shared data, reducing bug-proneness. As shown below, the module Foo.Bucket is centralizing the responsibility for interacting with the Agent. Any other place in the code that needs to access shared data must now delegate this action to Foo.Bucket. Also, Foo.Bucket now only allows data to be shared in Map format.

defmodule Foo.Bucket do
  use Agent

  def start_link(_opts) do
    Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end)

  def get(bucket, key) do
    Agent.get(bucket, &Map.get(&1, key))

  def put(bucket, key, value) do
    Agent.update(bucket, &Map.put(&1, key, value))

The following are examples of how to delegate access to shared data (provided by an Agent) to Foo.Bucket.

# start an agent through `Foo.Bucket`
iex> {:ok, bucket} = Foo.Bucket.start_link(%{})
{:ok, #PID<0.114.0>}

# add shared values to the keys `milk` and `beer`
iex> Foo.Bucket.put(bucket, "milk", 3)
iex> Foo.Bucket.put(bucket, "beer", 7)

# access shared data of specific keys
iex> Foo.Bucket.get(bucket, "beer")
iex> Foo.Bucket.get(bucket, "milk")

Additional remarks

This anti-pattern was formerly known as Agent obsession.

Unsupervised processes


In Elixir, creating a process outside a supervision tree is not an anti-pattern in itself. However, when you spawn many long-running processes outside of supervision trees, this can make visibility and monitoring of these processes difficult, preventing developers from fully controlling their applications.


The following code example seeks to illustrate a library responsible for maintaining a numerical Counter through a GenServer process outside a supervision tree. Multiple counters can be created simultaneously by a client (one process for each counter), making these unsupervised processes difficult to manage. This can cause problems with the initialization, restart, and shutdown of a system.

defmodule Counter do
  @moduledoc """
  Global counter implemented through a GenServer process.

  use GenServer

  @doc "Starts a counter process."
  def start(initial_value, name \\ __MODULE__) when is_integer(initial_value) do
    GenServer.start(__MODULE__, initial_value, name: name)

  @doc "Gets the current value of the given counter."
  def get(pid_name \\ __MODULE__) do, :get)

  @doc "Bumps the value of the given counter."
  def bump(value, pid_name \\ __MODULE__) do, {:bump, value})

  @impl true
  def init(counter) do
    {:ok, counter}

  @impl true
  def handle_call(:get, _from, counter) do
    {:reply, counter, counter}

  def handle_call({:bump, value}, _from, counter) do
    {:reply, counter, counter + value}
iex> Counter.start(0)
{:ok, #PID<0.115.0>}
iex> Counter.get()
iex> Counter.start(15, :other_counter)
{:ok, #PID<0.120.0>}
iex> Counter.get(:other_counter)
iex> Counter.bump(-3, :other_counter)
iex> Counter.bump(7)


To ensure that clients of a library have full control over their systems, regardless of the number of processes used and the lifetime of each one, all processes must be started inside a supervision tree. As shown below, this code uses a Supervisor as a supervision tree. When this Elixir application is started, two different counters (Counter and :other_counter) are also started as child processes of the Supervisor named App.Supervisor. Both are initialized to 0. By means of this supervision tree, it is possible to manage the lifecycle of all child processes (stopping or restarting each one), improving the visibility of the entire app.

defmodule SupervisedProcess.Application do
  use Application

  @impl true
  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
      %{id: Counter, start: {Counter, :start, [0]}},
      %{id: :other_counter, start: {Counter, :start, [0, :other_counter]}}

    Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one, name: App.Supervisor)
iex> Supervisor.count_children(App.Supervisor)
%{active: 2, specs: 2, supervisors: 0, workers: 2}
iex> Counter.get(Counter)
iex> Counter.get(:other_counter)
iex> Counter.bump(7, Counter)
iex> Supervisor.terminate_child(App.Supervisor, Counter)
iex> Supervisor.count_children(App.Supervisor) # Only one active child
%{active: 1, specs: 2, supervisors: 0, workers: 2}
iex> Counter.get(Counter) # The process was terminated
** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive...
iex> Supervisor.restart_child(App.Supervisor, Counter)
iex> Counter.get(Counter) # After the restart, this process can be used again