View Source API Reference Elixir v1.17.1


Key-based access to data structures.

Agents are a simple abstraction around state.

A module for working with applications and defining application callbacks.

An exception raised when an argument to a function is invalid.

An exception raised on invalid arithmetic operations.

Atoms are constants whose values are their own name.

An exception raised when a function is called with the wrong number of arguments.

An exception raised when an operator expected a boolean, but received something else.

An exception raised when something expected a map, but received something else.

This module provides data encoding and decoding functions according to RFC 4648.

Behaviour deprecated

Mechanism for handling behaviours.

A set of functions that perform calculations on bits.

This module defines the responsibilities for working with calendars, dates, times and datetimes in Elixir.

The default calendar implementation, a Gregorian calendar following ISO 8601.

This module defines a behaviour for providing time zone data.

Built-in time zone database that works only in the Etc/UTC timezone.

An exception raised when a term in a case/2 expression does not match any of the defined -> clauses.

Utilities for managing code compilation, code evaluation, and code loading.

This module provides conveniences for analyzing fragments of textual code and extract available information whenever possible.

An exception raised when a file cannot be loaded.

A protocol to traverse data structures.

An exception raised when there's an error when compiling code.

An exception raised when no clauses in a cond/1 expression evaluate to a truthy value.

A simple keyword-based configuration API.

Specifies a provider API that loads configuration during boot.

API for reading config files defined with Config.

A Date struct and functions.

Returns an inclusive range between dates.

A datetime implementation with a time zone.

Dict deprecated

Generic API for dictionaries.

Struct and functions for handling durations.

A supervisor optimized to only start children dynamically.

Functions for working with collections (known as enumerables).

An exception that is raised when something expects a non-empty enumerable but finds an empty one.

An exception that is raised when a function expects an enumerable to have a certain size but finds that it is too small.

Enumerable protocol used by Enum and Stream modules.

Functions for dealing with throw/catch/exit and exceptions.

This module contains functions to manipulate files.

An exception that is raised when copying a file fails.

An exception that is raised when a file operation fails.

An exception that is raised when linking a file fails.

An exception that is raised when renaming a file fails.

A struct that holds file information.

Defines a File.Stream struct returned by!/3.

Functions for working with floating-point numbers.

A set of functions for working with functions.

An exception raised when a function call doesn't match any defined clause.

GenEvent deprecated

An event manager with event handlers behaviour.

A behaviour module for implementing the server of a client-server relation.

HashDict deprecated

Tuple-based HashDict implementation.

HashSet deprecated

Tuple-based HashSet implementation.


Functions handling input/output (IO).

Functionality to render ANSI escape sequences.

Defines an IO.Stream struct returned by and IO.binstream/2.

The Inspect protocol converts an Elixir data structure into an algebra document.

A set of functions for creating and manipulating algebra documents.

Raised when a struct cannot be inspected.

Defines the options used by the Inspect protocol.

Functions for working with integers.

Kernel is Elixir's default environment.

A module responsible for compiling and requiring files in parallel.

Special forms are the basic building blocks of Elixir, and therefore cannot be overridden by the developer.

An exception raised when there's an error in a typespec.

An exception raised when a key is not found in a data structure.

A keyword list is a list that consists exclusively of two-element tuples.

Linked lists hold zero, one, or more elements in the chosen order.

The List.Chars protocol is responsible for converting a structure to a charlist (only if applicable).

Functions for manipulating AST and implementing macros.

A struct that holds compile time environment information.


Maps are the "go to" key-value data structure in Elixir.

Functions that work on sets.

An exception raised when a pattern match (=/2) fails.

An exception raised when a mismatched delimiter is found when parsing code.

Provides functions to deal with modules during compilation time.

A NaiveDateTime struct (without a time zone) and functions.

Functions related to VM nodes.

Functions for parsing command line arguments.

An exception raised when parsing option fails.

A supervisor that starts multiple partitions of the same child.

This module provides conveniences for manipulating or retrieving file system paths.

Functions for interacting with the external world through ports.

Conveniences for working with processes and the process dictionary.

Reference and functions for working with protocols.

An exception raised when a protocol is not implemented for a given value.

Ranges represent a sequence of zero, one or many, ascending or descending integers with a common difference called step.

Module to work with, define, and import records.

Provides regular expressions for Elixir.

An exception raised when a regular expression could not be compiled.

A local, decentralized and scalable key-value process storage.

An exception for a generic runtime error.

Set deprecated

Generic API for sets.

Functions for creating and composing streams.

Strings in Elixir are UTF-8 encoded binaries.

The String.Chars protocol is responsible for converting a structure to a binary (only if applicable).

Controls an IO device process that wraps a string.

A behaviour module for implementing supervisors.

Supervisor.Spec deprecated

Outdated functions for building child specifications.

An exception raised when there's a syntax error when parsing code.

The System module provides functions that interact directly with the VM or the host system.

An exception raised when a system environment variable is not set.

An exception raised when a system limit has been reached.

Conveniences for spawning and awaiting tasks.

A task supervisor.

A Time struct and functions.

An exception raised when a token is missing when parsing code.

An exception raised when a term in a try/1 expression does not match any of the defined -> clauses in its else.

Functions for working with tuples.


Utilities for working with URIs.

An exception raised when an error occurs when a URI is invalid.

An exception raised when a function is invoked that is not defined.

Functions for parsing and matching versions against requirements.

An exception raised when a version requirement is invalid.

An exception raised when a version is invalid.

A struct that holds version requirement information.

An exception raised when a term in a with/1 expression does not match any of the defined -> clauses in its else.