Elixir deprecations happen in 3 steps:
The feature is soft-deprecated. It means both CHANGELOG and documentation must list the feature as deprecated but no warning is effectively emitted by running the code. There is no requirement to soft-deprecate a feature.
The feature is effectively deprecated by emitting warnings on usage. In order to deprecate a feature, the proposed alternative MUST exist for AT LEAST two versions. For example,
was soft-deprecated in favor ofEnum.uniq_by/2
in Elixir v1.1. This means a deprecation warning may only be emitted by Elixir v1.3 or later.The feature is removed. This can only happen on major releases. This means deprecated features in Elixir v1.x shall only be removed by Elixir v2.x.
Table of deprecations
Deprecated feature | Deprecated in | Replaced by (available since) |
Atom.to_char_list/1 | v1.5 | Atom.to_charlist/1 (v1.3) |
Enum.filter_map/3 | v1.5 | Enum.filter/2 + or for comprehensions (v1.0) |
Float.to_char_list/1 | v1.5 | Float.to_charlist/1 (v1.3) |
GenEvent module | v1.5 | Supervisor and GenServer (v1.0);GenStage (v1.3);:gen_event (OTP 17) |
Integer.to_char_list/1 and Integer.to_char_list/2 | v1.5 | Integer.to_charlist/1 and Integer.to_charlist/2 (v1.3) |
Kernel.to_char_list/1 | v1.5 | Kernel.to_charlist/1 (v1.3) |
List.Chars.to_char_list/1 | v1.5 | List.Chars.to_charlist/1 (v1.3) |
Stream.filter_map/3 | v1.5 | Stream.filter/2 + (v1.0) |
String.ljust/3 and String.rjust/3 | v1.5 | String.pad_leading/3 and String.pad_trailing/3 with a binary padding (v1.3) |
String.strip/1 and String.strip/2 | v1.5 | String.trim/1 and String.trim/2 (v1.3) |
String.lstrip/1 and String.rstrip/1 | v1.5 | String.trim_leading/1 and String.trim_trailing/1 (v1.3) |
String.lstrip/2 and String.rstrip/2 | v1.5 | String.trim_leading/2 and String.trim_trailing/2 with a binary as second argument (v1.3) |
String.to_char_list/1 | v1.5 | String.to_charlist/1 (v1.3) |
() to mean nil | v1.5 | nil (v1.0) |
:as_char_lists value in Inspect.Opts.t/0 type | v1.5 | :as_charlists (v1.3) |
:char_lists key in Inspect.Opts.t/0 type | v1.5 | :charlists (v1.3) |
char_list/0 type | v1.5 | charlist/0 type (v1.3) |
@compile {:parse_transform, _} in Module | v1.5 | None |
EEx: <%= in middle and end expressions | v1.5 | Use <% (= is allowed only on start expressions) (v1.0) |
Access.key/1 | v1.4 | Access.key/2 (v1.3) |
Behaviour module | v1.4 | @callback (v1.0) |
Enum.uniq/2 | v1.4 | Enum.uniq_by/2 (v1.2) |
Float.to_char_list/2 | v1.4 | :erlang.float_to_list/2 (OTP 17) |
Float.to_string/2 | v1.4 | :erlang.float_to_binary/2 (OTP 17) |
HashDict module | v1.4 | Map (v1.2) |
HashSet module | v1.4 | MapSet (v1.1) |
Set module | v1.4 | MapSet (v1.1) |
Stream.uniq/2 | v1.4 | Stream.uniq_by/2 (v1.2) |
IEx.Helpers.import_file/2 | v1.4 | IEx.Helpers.import_file_if_available/1 (v1.3) |
Mix.Utils.camelize/1 | v1.4 | Macro.camelize/1 (v1.2) |
Mix.Utils.underscore/1 | v1.4 | Macro.underscore/1 (v1.2) |
Variable used as function call | v1.4 | Use parentheses (v1.0) |
Anonymous functions with no expression after -> | v1.4 | Use an expression or explicitly return nil (v1.0) |
Dict module | v1.3 | Keyword (v1.0);Map (v1.2) |
Keyword.size/1 | v1.3 | Kernel.length/1 (v1.0) |
Map.size/1 | v1.3 | Kernel.map_size/1 (v1.0) |
Set behaviour | v1.3 | MapSet data structure (v1.1) |
String.valid_character?/1 | v1.3 | String.valid?/1 (v1.0) |
Task.find/2 | v1.3 | Use direct message matching (v1.0) |
:append_first option in Kernel.defdelegate/2 | v1.3 | Define the function explicitly (v1.0) |
/r option in Regex | v1.3 | /U (v1.1) |
\x{X*} inside strings/sigils/charlists | v1.3 | \uXXXX or \u{X*} (v1.1) |
Map or dictionary as second argument in Enum.group_by/3 | v1.3 | Use Enum.reduce/3 (v1.0) |
Non-map as second argument in URI.decode_query/2 | v1.3 | Use a map (v1.0) |
Dict behaviour | v1.2 | MapSet data structure (v1.1) |
Access protocol | v1.1 | Access behaviour (v1.1) |
as: true | false in alias/2 and require/2 | v1.1 | None |
?\xHEX | v1.1 | 0xHEX (v1.0) |
Empty string in String.starts_with?/2 , String.ends_with?/2 , String.contains?/2 .NOTE: Feature made back available in v1.3 | v1.1 to v1.2 | Explicitly check for "" beforehand (v1.0) |