Elixir v1.8.0 File.Stat View Source

A struct that holds file information.

In Erlang, this struct is represented by a :file_info record. Therefore this module also provides functions for converting between the Erlang record and the Elixir struct.

Its fields are:

  • size - size of file in bytes.

  • type - :device | :directory | :regular | :other | :symlink; the type of the file.

  • access - :read | :write | :read_write | :none; the current system access to the file.

  • atime - the last time the file was read.

  • mtime - the last time the file was written.

  • ctime - the interpretation of this time field depends on the operating system. On Unix, it is the last time the file or the inode was changed. In Windows, it is the time of creation.

  • mode - the file permissions.

  • links - the number of links to this file. This is always 1 for file systems which have no concept of links.

  • major_device - identifies the file system where the file is located. In Windows, the number indicates a drive as follows: 0 means A:, 1 means B:, and so on.

  • minor_device - only valid for character devices on Unix. In all other cases, this field is zero.

  • inode - gives the inode number. On non-Unix file systems, this field will be zero.

  • uid - indicates the owner of the file. Will be zero for non-Unix file systems.

  • gid - indicates the group that owns the file. Will be zero for non-Unix file systems.

The time type returned in atime, mtime, and ctime is dependent on the time type set in options. {:time, type} where type can be :local, :universal, or :posix. Default is :universal.

Link to this section Summary


Converts a :file_info record into a File.Stat.

Converts a File.Stat struct to a :file_info record.

Link to this section Types


t() :: %File.Stat{
  access: :read | :write | :read_write | :none,
  atime: :calendar.datetime(),
  ctime: :calendar.datetime(),
  gid: non_neg_integer(),
  inode: non_neg_integer(),
  links: non_neg_integer(),
  major_device: non_neg_integer(),
  minor_device: non_neg_integer(),
  mode: non_neg_integer(),
  mtime: :calendar.datetime(),
  size: non_neg_integer(),
  type: :device | :directory | :regular | :other | :symlink,
  uid: non_neg_integer()

Link to this section Functions

Converts a :file_info record into a File.Stat.

Converts a File.Stat struct to a :file_info record.