View Source Dict (Elixir v1.19.0-dev)

This module is deprecated. Use Map or Keyword modules instead.

Generic API for dictionaries.

If you need a general dictionary, use the Map module. If you need to manipulate keyword lists, use Keyword.

To convert maps into keywords and vice-versa, use the new function in the respective modules.




@type key() :: any()


@type t() :: list() | map()


@type value() :: any()


delete(dict, key)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec delete(t(), key()) :: t()

drop(dict, keys)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec drop(t(), [key()]) :: t()


This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec empty(t()) :: t()

equal?(dict1, dict2)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec equal?(t(), t()) :: boolean()

fetch(dict, key)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec fetch(t(), key()) :: value()

fetch!(dict, key)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec fetch!(t(), key()) :: value()

get(dict, key, default \\ nil)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec get(t(), key(), value()) :: value()

get_and_update(dict, key, fun)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec get_and_update(t(), key(), (value() -> {value(), value()})) :: {value(), t()}

get_lazy(dict, key, fun)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec get_lazy(t(), key(), (-> value())) :: value()

has_key?(dict, key)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec has_key?(t(), key()) :: boolean()


This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec keys(t()) :: [key()]

merge(dict1, dict2)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec merge(t(), t()) :: t()

merge(dict1, dict2, fun)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec merge(t(), t(), (key(), value(), value() -> value())) :: t()

pop(dict, key, default \\ nil)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec pop(t(), key(), value()) :: {value(), t()}

pop_lazy(dict, key, fun)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec pop_lazy(t(), key(), (-> value())) :: {value(), t()}

put(dict, key, val)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec put(t(), key(), value()) :: t()

put_new(dict, key, val)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec put_new(t(), key(), value()) :: t()

put_new_lazy(dict, key, fun)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec put_new_lazy(t(), key(), (-> value())) :: t()


This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec size(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

split(dict, keys)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec split(t(), [key()]) :: {t(), t()}

take(dict, keys)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec take(t(), [key()]) :: t()


This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec to_list(t()) :: list()

update(dict, key, default, fun)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec update(t(), key(), value(), (value() -> value())) :: t()

update!(dict, key, fun)

This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec update!(t(), key(), (value() -> value())) :: t()


This function is deprecated. Use the Map module for working with maps or the Keyword module for working with keyword lists.
@spec values(t()) :: [value()]