View Source mix compile.elixir_make (elixir_make v0.8.4)

Runs make in the current project.

This task runs make in the current project; any output coming from make is printed in real-time on stdout.


This compiler can be configured through the return value of the project/0 function in mix.exs; for example:

def project() do
  [app: :myapp,
   make_executable: "make",
   make_makefile: "Othermakefile",
   compilers: [:elixir_make] ++ Mix.compilers,
   deps: deps()]

The following options are available:

  • :make_executable - (binary or :default) it's the executable to use as the make program. If not provided or if :default, it defaults to "nmake" on Windows, "gmake" on FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD, and "make" on everything else. You can, for example, customize which executable to use on a specific OS and use :default for every other OS. If the MAKE environment variable is present, that is used as the value of this option.

  • :make_makefile - (binary or :default) it's the Makefile to use. Defaults to "Makefile" for Unix systems and "" for Windows systems if not provided or if :default.

  • :make_targets - (list of binaries) it's the list of Make targets that should be run. Defaults to [], meaning make will run the first target.

  • :make_clean - (list of binaries) it's a list of Make targets to be run when mix clean is run. It's only run if a non-nil value for :make_clean is provided. Defaults to nil.

  • :make_cwd - (binary) it's the directory where make will be run, relative to the root of the project.

  • :make_env - (map of binary to binary) it's a map of extra environment variables to be passed to make. You can also pass a function in here in case make_env needs access to things that are not available during project setup; the function should return a map of binary to binary. Many default environment variables are set, see section below

  • :make_error_message - (binary or :default) it's a custom error message that can be used to give instructions as of how to fix the error (e.g., it can be used to suggest installing gcc if you're compiling a C dependency).

  • :make_args - (list of binaries) it's a list of extra arguments to be passed.

The following options configure precompilation:

  • :make_precompiler - a two-element tuple with the precompiled type and module to use. The precompile type is either :nif or :port and then the precompilation module. If the type is a :nif, it looks for a DDL or a shared object as precompilation target given by :make_precompiler_filename and the current NIF version is part of the precompiled archive. If :port, it looks for an executable with :make_precompiler_filename.

  • :make_precompiler_url - the download URL template. Defaults to none. Required when make_precompiler is set.

  • :make_precompiler_filename - the filename of the compiled artefact without its extension. Defaults to the app name.

  • :make_precompiler_downloader - a module implementing the ElixirMake.Downloader behaviour. You can use this to customize how the precompiled artefacts are downloaded, for example, to add HTTP authentication or to download from an SFTP server. The default implementation uses :httpc.

  • :make_force_build - if build should be forced even if precompiled artefacts are available. Defaults to true if the app has a -dev version flag.

See the Precompilation guide for more information.

Default environment variables

There are also several default environment variables set:

These may also be overwritten with the make_env option.

Compilation artifacts and working with priv directories

Generally speaking, compilation artifacts are written to the priv directory, as that the only directory, besides ebin, which are available to Erlang/OTP applications.

However, note that Mix projects supports the :build_embedded configuration, which controls if assets in the _build directory are symlinked (when false, the default) or copied (true). In order to support both options for :build_embedded, it is important to follow the given guidelines:

  • The "priv" directory must not exist in the source code
  • The Makefile should copy any artifact to $MIX_APP_PATH/priv or, even better, to $MIX_APP_PATH/priv/$MIX_TARGET
  • If there are static assets, the Makefile should copy them over from a directory at the project root (not named "priv")