UUID v1.2.1 UUID View Source

UUID generator and utilities for Elixir. See RFC 4122.

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Convert binary UUID data to a string.

Inspect a UUID and return tuple with {:ok, result}, where result is information about its 128-bit binary content, type, version and variant.

Inspect a UUID and return information about its 128-bit binary content, type, version and variant.

Convert a UUID string to its binary data equivalent.

Generate a new UUID v1. This version uses a combination of one or more of: unix epoch, random bytes, pid hash, and hardware address.

Generate a new UUID v1, with an existing clock sequence and node address. This version uses a combination of one or more of: unix epoch, random bytes, pid hash, and hardware address.

Generate a new UUID v3. This version uses an MD5 hash of fixed value (chosen based on a namespace atom - see Appendix C of RFC 4122 and a name value. Can also be given an existing UUID String instead of a namespace atom.

Generate a new UUID v4. This version uses pseudo-random bytes generated by the crypto module.

Generate a new UUID v5. This version uses an SHA1 hash of fixed value (chosen based on a namespace atom - see Appendix C of RFC 4122 and a name value. Can also be given an existing UUID String instead of a namespace atom.

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binary_to_string!(uuid, format \\ :default)

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Convert binary UUID data to a string.

Will raise an ArgumentError if the given binary is not valid UUID data, or the format argument is not one of: :default, :hex, :urn, or :raw.


iex> UUID.binary_to_string!(<<135, 13, 248, 232, 49, 7, 68, 135,
...>        131, 22, 129, 224, 137, 184, 194, 207>>)

iex> UUID.binary_to_string!(<<142, 161, 81, 61, 248, 161, 77, 234, 155,
...>        234, 107, 143, 75, 91, 110, 115>>, :hex)

iex> UUID.binary_to_string!(<<239, 27, 26, 40, 238, 52, 17, 227, 136,
...>        19, 20, 16, 159, 241, 163, 4>>, :urn)

iex> UUID.binary_to_string!(<<39, 73, 196, 181, 29, 90, 74, 96, 157,
...>        47, 171, 144, 84, 164, 155, 52>>, :raw)
<<39, 73, 196, 181, 29, 90, 74, 96, 157, 47, 171, 144, 84, 164, 155, 52>>

Inspect a UUID and return tuple with {:ok, result}, where result is information about its 128-bit binary content, type, version and variant.

Timestamp portion is not checked to see if it's in the future, and therefore not yet assignable. See "Validation mechanism" in section 3 of RFC 4122.

Will return {:error, message} if the given string is not a UUID representation in a format like:

  • "870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf"
  • "8ea1513df8a14dea9bea6b8f4b5b6e73"
  • "urn:uuid:ef1b1a28-ee34-11e3-8813-14109ff1a304"


iex> UUID.info("870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf")
{:ok, [uuid: "870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf",
 binary: <<135, 13, 248, 232, 49, 7, 68, 135, 131, 22, 129, 224, 137, 184, 194, 207>>,
 type: :default,
 version: 4,
 variant: :rfc4122]}

iex> UUID.info("8ea1513df8a14dea9bea6b8f4b5b6e73")
{:ok, [uuid: "8ea1513df8a14dea9bea6b8f4b5b6e73",
 binary: <<142, 161, 81, 61, 248, 161, 77, 234, 155,
            234, 107, 143, 75, 91, 110, 115>>,
 type: :hex,
 version: 4,
 variant: :rfc4122]}

iex> UUID.info("urn:uuid:ef1b1a28-ee34-11e3-8813-14109ff1a304")
{:ok, [uuid: "urn:uuid:ef1b1a28-ee34-11e3-8813-14109ff1a304",
 binary: <<239, 27, 26, 40, 238, 52, 17, 227, 136, 19, 20, 16, 159, 241, 163, 4>>,
 type: :urn,
 version: 1,
 variant: :rfc4122]}

iex> UUID.info(<<39, 73, 196, 181, 29, 90, 74, 96, 157, 47, 171, 144, 84, 164, 155, 52>>)
{:ok, [uuid: <<39, 73, 196, 181, 29, 90, 74, 96, 157, 47, 171, 144, 84, 164, 155, 52>>,
 binary: <<39, 73, 196, 181, 29, 90, 74, 96, 157, 47, 171, 144, 84, 164, 155, 52>>,
 type: :raw,
 version: 4,
 variant: :rfc4122]}

iex> UUID.info("12345")
{:error, "Invalid argument; Not a valid UUID: 12345"}

Inspect a UUID and return information about its 128-bit binary content, type, version and variant.

Timestamp portion is not checked to see if it's in the future, and therefore not yet assignable. See "Validation mechanism" in section 3 of RFC 4122.

Will raise an ArgumentError if the given string is not a UUID representation in a format like:

  • "870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf"
  • "8ea1513df8a14dea9bea6b8f4b5b6e73"
  • "urn:uuid:ef1b1a28-ee34-11e3-8813-14109ff1a304"


iex> UUID.info!("870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf")
[uuid: "870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf",
 binary: <<135, 13, 248, 232, 49, 7, 68, 135, 131, 22, 129, 224, 137, 184, 194, 207>>,
 type: :default,
 version: 4,
 variant: :rfc4122]

iex> UUID.info!("8ea1513df8a14dea9bea6b8f4b5b6e73")
[uuid: "8ea1513df8a14dea9bea6b8f4b5b6e73",
 binary: <<142, 161, 81, 61, 248, 161, 77, 234, 155,
            234, 107, 143, 75, 91, 110, 115>>,
 type: :hex,
 version: 4,
 variant: :rfc4122]

iex> UUID.info!("urn:uuid:ef1b1a28-ee34-11e3-8813-14109ff1a304")
[uuid: "urn:uuid:ef1b1a28-ee34-11e3-8813-14109ff1a304",
 binary: <<239, 27, 26, 40, 238, 52, 17, 227, 136, 19, 20, 16, 159, 241, 163, 4>>,
 type: :urn,
 version: 1,
 variant: :rfc4122]

iex> UUID.info!(<<39, 73, 196, 181, 29, 90, 74, 96, 157, 47, 171, 144, 84, 164, 155, 52>>)
[uuid: <<39, 73, 196, 181, 29, 90, 74, 96, 157, 47, 171, 144, 84, 164, 155, 52>>,
 binary: <<39, 73, 196, 181, 29, 90, 74, 96, 157, 47, 171, 144, 84, 164, 155, 52>>,
 type: :raw,
 version: 4,
 variant: :rfc4122]

Convert a UUID string to its binary data equivalent.

Will raise an ArgumentError if the given string is not a UUID representation in a format like:

  • "870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf"
  • "8ea1513df8a14dea9bea6b8f4b5b6e73"
  • "urn:uuid:ef1b1a28-ee34-11e3-8813-14109ff1a304"


iex> UUID.string_to_binary!("870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf")
<<135, 13, 248, 232, 49, 7, 68, 135, 131, 22, 129, 224, 137, 184, 194, 207>>

iex> UUID.string_to_binary!("8ea1513df8a14dea9bea6b8f4b5b6e73")
<<142, 161, 81, 61, 248, 161, 77, 234, 155, 234, 107, 143, 75, 91, 110, 115>>

iex> UUID.string_to_binary!("urn:uuid:ef1b1a28-ee34-11e3-8813-14109ff1a304")
<<239, 27, 26, 40, 238, 52, 17, 227, 136, 19, 20, 16, 159, 241, 163, 4>>

iex> UUID.string_to_binary!(<<39, 73, 196, 181, 29, 90, 74, 96, 157, 47,
...>        171, 144, 84, 164, 155, 52>>)
<<39, 73, 196, 181, 29, 90, 74, 96, 157, 47, 171, 144, 84, 164, 155, 52>>
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uuid1(format \\ :default)

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Generate a new UUID v1. This version uses a combination of one or more of: unix epoch, random bytes, pid hash, and hardware address.


iex> UUID.uuid1()

iex> UUID.uuid1(:default)

iex> UUID.uuid1(:hex)

iex> UUID.uuid1(:urn)

iex> UUID.uuid1(:raw)
<<205, 253, 175, 68, 238, 53, 17, 227, 132, 107, 20, 16, 159, 241, 163, 4>>

iex> UUID.uuid1(:slug)
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uuid1(clock_seq, node, format \\ :default)

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Generate a new UUID v1, with an existing clock sequence and node address. This version uses a combination of one or more of: unix epoch, random bytes, pid hash, and hardware address.


iex> UUID.uuid1()

iex> UUID.uuid1(:default)

iex> UUID.uuid1(:hex)

iex> UUID.uuid1(:urn)

iex> UUID.uuid1(:raw)
<<205, 253, 175, 68, 238, 53, 17, 227, 132, 107, 20, 16, 159, 241, 163, 4>>

iex> UUID.uuid1(:slug)
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uuid3(namespace_or_uuid, name, format \\ :default)

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Generate a new UUID v3. This version uses an MD5 hash of fixed value (chosen based on a namespace atom - see Appendix C of RFC 4122 and a name value. Can also be given an existing UUID String instead of a namespace atom.

Accepted arguments are: :dns|:url|:oid|:x500|:nil OR uuid, String


iex> UUID.uuid3(:dns, "my.domain.com")

iex> UUID.uuid3(:dns, "my.domain.com", :default)

iex> UUID.uuid3(:dns, "my.domain.com", :hex)

iex> UUID.uuid3(:dns, "my.domain.com", :urn)

iex> UUID.uuid3(:dns, "my.domain.com", :raw)
<<3, 191, 7, 6, 183, 233, 51, 184, 174, 229, 198, 20, 42, 129, 100, 120>>

iex> UUID.uuid3("cdfdaf44-ee35-11e3-846b-14109ff1a304", "my.domain.com")

iex> UUID.uuid3(:dns, "my.domain.com", :slug)

Generate a new UUID v4. This version uses pseudo-random bytes generated by the crypto module.


iex> UUID.uuid4()

iex> UUID.uuid4(:default)

iex> UUID.uuid4(:hex)

iex> UUID.uuid4(:urn)

iex> UUID.uuid4(:raw)
<<251, 73, 160, 236, 214, 12, 77, 32, 146, 100, 59, 76, 254, 39, 33, 6>>

iex> UUID.uuid4(:slug)
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uuid5(namespace_or_uuid, name, format \\ :default)

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Generate a new UUID v5. This version uses an SHA1 hash of fixed value (chosen based on a namespace atom - see Appendix C of RFC 4122 and a name value. Can also be given an existing UUID String instead of a namespace atom.

Accepted arguments are: :dns|:url|:oid|:x500|:nil OR uuid, String


iex> UUID.uuid5(:dns, "my.domain.com")

iex> UUID.uuid5(:dns, "my.domain.com", :default)

iex> UUID.uuid5(:dns, "my.domain.com", :hex)

iex> UUID.uuid5(:dns, "my.domain.com", :urn)

iex> UUID.uuid5(:dns, "my.domain.com", :raw)
<<1, 108, 37, 253, 112, 224, 86, 254, 157, 26, 86, 232, 15, 162, 11, 130>>

iex> UUID.uuid5("fb49a0ec-d60c-4d20-9264-3b4cfe272106", "my.domain.com")

iex> UUID.uuid5("fb49a0ec-d60c-4d20-9264-3b4cfe272106", "my.domain.com", :slug)