XDR.String (Elixir XDR v0.3.10) View Source

This module manages the String type based on the RFC4506 XDR Standard.

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XDR.String structure type specification.


Decode the String in XDR format to a XDR.String structure.

Decode the String in XDR format to a XDR.String structure. If the binaries are not valid, an exception is raised.

Encode a XDR.String structure into a XDR format.

Encode a XDR.String structure into a XDR format. If the string is not valid, an exception is raised.

Create a new XDR.String structure with the opaque and length passed.

Link to this section Types


t() :: %XDR.String{max_length: integer(), string: binary()}

XDR.String structure type specification.

Link to this section Functions

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decode_xdr(bytes, string \\ %{max_length: 4294967295})

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Decode the String in XDR format to a XDR.String structure.

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decode_xdr!(bytes, string \\ %{max_length: 4294967295})

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Decode the String in XDR format to a XDR.String structure. If the binaries are not valid, an exception is raised.

Encode a XDR.String structure into a XDR format.

Encode a XDR.String structure into a XDR format. If the string is not valid, an exception is raised.

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new(string, max_length \\ 4294967295)

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new(string :: bitstring(), max_length :: integer()) :: t()

Create a new XDR.String structure with the opaque and length passed.